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미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어 환급원정대 미션13, 23주차

2024-01-20 15:59

 작성자  : 이유진

 공부한 날짜  : 24.01.15 ~ 24.01.19

 수강한 강의  : 미션13 day 111 ~ day 115

 키워드  : 비교급, 내가 좋아하는 것, 내가 덜 좋아하는 것, 비교급2, 더 좋아하는 이유

 노트  :

day 111

How’s the weather today? – It’s cold. But it’s warmer than yesterday.

Which season is more humid, spring or. summer? – Summer is. ore humid than spring.

day 112

Which do you like more, coffee or tea? – I like coffee more than tea.

Which dress do you prefer, this one or that one? – I prefer this one.

I have a very important meeting today, and I want to wear a nice tie. Which do you prefer, the blue one or the green one? – I prefer the blue one. But the green one is nice too. – You’re not helping me at all. – Sorry. But they’re both very nice.

day 113

I love wine. What about you? Do you like wine? – I like wine, but I like it less than beer.

I don’t like summer because there are so many mosquitoes. – Mosquitoes are bad, but flies are worse than mosquitoes.

I think Henry likes watching lions in the wild more than dolphins swimming in circles. – What about you? Do you prefer the lions to the dolphins too? – Not really. I love watching dolphins fly up in the air. But my boyfriend likes shows less than adventures.

day 114

Which language is more difficult, English or French? – For me, French is more difficult than English.

I love that house. Isn’t it beautiful? – Yes, it is. But your house is as beautiful as that house.

But I know it’s more expensive than mine. – But your car is more convenient than John’s. It’s bigger than his. – I know. I guess my old car is as good as John’s new one.

day 115

Which is more interesting, history or geography? – History is more interesting than geography. It’s my favorite subject in school.

I love knitting. What about you? – I don’t like knitting. I like gardening. It’s more satisfying than knitting.

Do you think it’s boring, too? – No, I don’t think so. I think this project is better than the last one.

 요약  :

day 111


주어     + be동사 + 형용사+er than + 비교대상

Today + is      + colder than     + yesterday. 오늘이 어제보다 추워

Spring + is    + warmer than     + fall[US]/autumn[UK]. 봄이 가을보다 따뜻해

Summer + is    + more humid than + spring. 여름은 봄보다 습해

1음절/2음절 형용사

pretty -> prettier

ugly -> uglier

noisy -> noisier

busy -> busier

cute -> cuttter

large -> larger

simple -> simpler / more simple

fun -> more fun

quiet -> quieter/more quite

clever -> cleverer/more clever

day 112

A가 B보다 더 좋다 = prefer A to B / like A more than B

I prefer dancing(A) to singing(B).

She prefers coffee(A) to tea(B).

I like bananas(A) more than apples(B).

He likes playing(A) more than studying(B).


Which do you like more apples or oranges? – I like apples more than oranges. / I like apples more.

Which animal do you prefer cats or dogs? – I prefer dogs to cats. / I prefer dogs.

day 113

many/much -> more , little -> less

주어+like  + A            + more/less than + B

I like    + apples(A)   + more than       + bananas(B). 나는 바나나보다 사과를 더 좋아해

She likes + dolphins(A) + less than      + whales(B). 그녀는 고래보다 돌고래를 덜 좋아해

good -> better , bad -> worse

A          + be동사 + better than/worse than + B

Spring(A) + is    + better than                      + winter(B). 겨울보다 봄이 낫다

Sharks(A) + are   + worse than              + crocodiles(B). 악어보다 상어가 더 나쁘다

day 114

비교급(3음절 이상 형용사)

주어             + be동사 + more+형용사than      + 비교대상

Your painting + is     + more creative than + mine.

Jenny          + is     + more popular than  + my sister.

B만큼 ~하다 = be동사 + as형용사as B

기준대상+be동사        + as형용사as            + 비교대상

Her painting is + as creative as + yours. 그녀의 그림은 네 그림만큼 창의적이다.

day 115

~ed/~ing로 끝나는 형용사

The movie is boring, so they’re bored. = They’re bored because the movie is boring. 영화는 (그들을) 지루하게 해서 그들은 지루했다.

The test results are disappointing, so our teacher is disappointed. = Our teacher is disappointed because the test results are disappointing. 시험 결과가 (선생님을) 실망스럽게 해서 우리 선생님은 실망했다.

 응용 문장  :

My dog is asleep, because I am studying English.

 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 카드맞추기 day111(7.9초) day115(5.6초)

 느낀점  :

이번주는 정말정말 헷갈리는 파트였다.. 비교급을 5일에 걸쳐서 배웠는데 단순히 ‘A가 B보다 좋아’는 어렵지 않았지만 그 이후로 나오는 여러가지 배교급은 내 머리를 터지게 만들기 충분했다.

day 113이 이번주 공부했던 것 중 가장 어려웠는데 비교급에 대해 4가지 종류를 배웠기 때문이다… 더 좋아해, 덜 좋아해, 더 낫다, 더 나쁘다 이렇게 4가지를 배웠다.

역시 그중에서도 덜 좋아해가 가장 헷갈리는데 She likes dolphins less than wales. 문장을 봤을때 해석하고 생각하다보면 헷갈리기 때문에 우선 like dolphins이기 때문에 돌고래를 좋아한다고 생각하고 뒷 문장을 해석하기로 했다. less than wales ‘고래보다 덜’ 이라고,, 이렇게 끊어서 생각하니 조금.. 조금 괜찮아진 것 같기도.. ㅎㅎ

 단계 완료 후기 링크  : 해당 없음

전체 0

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