주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

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영어 환급원정대 3단계 2주차

2023-01-01 12:22

– 제목 : 영어 환급원정대 3단계 2주차

– 작성자 : maxaga1@naver.com

– 날짜 : 22.12.26~22.12.30

– 수강한 강의 : 66차~70차

– 키워드 → 음식/음료 관련 단어 배우기, 어떤 음식이 있는지 묻고 답하기, 음식을 세는 단위 배우기, 수량 물어보기, 양이 충분한지 물어보기

– 노트 →

DAY66. 음식/음료 관련 단어 배우기

What do we have in our kitchen?

We have a mango, three eggs, and some chocolate.

What do they want for dinner?

Elena wants some vegetables.

Andy wants a burger.

William wants some cereal and a banana.

DAY67. 어떤 음식이 있는지 묻고 답하기

Are there any oranges?

No, there aren’t.

Is there any coffee?

Ye, there is.

Im hungry.

What do we have?

I don’t know. I think there’s some rice.

Are there any potates?

No, there aren’t. There aren’t any vegetables.

Is there any meat?

Yes, there is. There’s a lot of meat in the fridge.

DAY68. 음식을 세는 단위 배우기

Is there any cheese?

There are five slices of cheese.

Is there any soup?

There are two bolws of soup in the pot. (냄비에 두그릇 정도)

Is there any chocolate?

There are two bars of chocolate on the table.

bag 봉지

a bag of rice

three bags of flour

slice 얇게썬 조각

a slice of cheese

two slices of pizza

can 캔

a can of beer

five cans of tuna

piece 조각

a piece of cake

three pieces of pie

cup 컵

a cup of cofee

two cups of tea

loaf 덩어리

a loaf of bread

two loaves of meat

bottle 병

a bottle of wine

four bottles of soda

sheet 한장

a sheet of paper

five sheets of glass(유리5장)

glass 유리잔

a glass of water

nine glasses of milk

bar 막대기(모양)

a bar of chocolate

two bars of butter

bowl 그릇

a bowl of soup

two bowls of spaghetti

carton 한갑, 팩

a carton of milk

sic cartons of juice

jar 병

a jar of jam

two jars of honey

box 박스

a box of cereal

two boxes of pasta

DAY69. 수량 물어보기

How many tomatoes are there?

How much coffee is there?

How many bars of chcolate are there?

There are ten bars of chcolate.

How many slices of pizza are there?

There are two slices of pizza.

How much cereal is there?

There’ some cereal.

DAY70. 양이 충분한지 물어보기

We need three bananas. Do we have enough?

We have two bananas.

That’s not enough. Let’s buy one more.

Is this enough?

Is that enough for you?

enough is enough. 그만하면 됐어!

Never enough. 충분하지 않아.

I need more caffeine.

I need more coffee.

This is enough coffee for today.

Let’s have one more drink.

That’s enough.

I don’t have enough time.

I don’t have enough money.

We don’t have enough donuts.

Just one more. 한개만 더요.

That’s way too much sugar.

=too much 강조형

* 가산명사 – 복수형으로 쓰기

We have enough apples.

We don’t have enough apples.

That’s enough.

That’s not enough.

That isn’t enough.

That’s too many.

*불가산명사 – 단수형으로 쓰기

We have enough chocolate.

We don’t have enough chocolate.

That’s enough.

That’s not enough.

That isn’t enough.

That’s too much.

– 요약 → 음식 관련 단어와 음식을 세는 방법을 익히고 말할 수 있다. 양이 충분한지 묻고 답할 수 있다.

– 응용 문장 :

How many bars of butter is there?

There are two bars of butter in the firdge.

Is that enough?

No. I don’t have enough food.

Are you ready to go out?

No. I don’t have enough time.

– 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과 : DAY68>11.5 / DAY70>13.5

– 느낀점 → 외울 것이 정말 많은 2주차였다. 다음주면 벌써 미션8로 넘어가는데 강의 한 5번씩은 더 봐야 외워질 것 같다. 음식 세는 단위가 이렇게 많을 줄 몰랐다.더 많겠지만.. 평소에 안하던 발음을 하니 혀도 점점 꼬이고 반복 또 반복하는 방법밖에 없는듯 하다. 새해가 되고 이렇게 1/1에 후기를 쓰고 있으니 감회가 남다르다. 일단 포기하지 않고 여기까지 온 나에게 칭찬과 격려를 아끼지 말아야지. 일단 후기를 먼저 쓰지만 강의 복습이 필요한 것으로 보아 이번 주 강의는 확실히 어려웠던 것 같다. day70에서 배운 Never enough을 써먹기로 했다. 아직도 많이 부족하니까 안주하지 말아야지. 나는 아직 충분하지 않다!!

전체 0

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