주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

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미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어 환급원정대 39주차

2023-02-19 16:12

1. 작성자: 김듄

2. 날짜: 23.02.13 ~ 22.02.17

3. 수강한 강의: 8단계 191일차 ~ 8단계 195일차

4. 키워드

[DAY191] 동네 최고 자랑거리에 대해 이야기하기
[DAY192] 실전연습하기
[DAY193] 어린 시절 이야기하기
[DAY194] 학창시절 이야기하기
[DAY195] 기억에 남는 일에 대해 이야기하기

5. 노트


Key Expressions

A: Have you been to the theater recently? It’s so crowded.
B: Of course. It’s by far the coolest place around here.
A: I guess it’s because it’s one of the most modern buildings in town.

Grammar Points – 최상급 강조하기

This isby far / easily / simply
단연코 / 간단히 말해서
the biggest
the most crowded
place in the area.
다양한 최상급 표현 방법들
Our Team isthe fastest team가장 빠른in our town.
faster than any other team다른 어떤 팀보다 빠른
the fastest of all the teams모든 팀들 중에서 가장 빠른
one of the fastest teams가장 빠른 팀들 중 하나

More Expressions – 최상급 활용 표현들

at (the) most 많아 봐야 / 넉넉잡아He’ll be here in five minutes at most.
at best 기껏 (잘)해야You’ll win the second place, at best.
at least 적어도At least you can talk to him.
make (the) most of 최대한 활용하다Please make most of your time.
make the best of 최선을 끌어내다You have to make the best of your situation.

More Examples

A: Welcome to Barcelona.
B: Thank you for inviting me. I want to make the most of my time while I’m here.
A: Of course. There are so many things to see.
B: We can start with one of the most beautiful buildings in the area.
A: You’re talking about the Sagrada Familia, aren’t you?
B: That’s right. I’ve heard so much about Antoni Gaudi, one of the most famous world architects. I can’t wait to see it.
A: Yes, we’ll definitely visit that place. There are also many other tourist attractions.
B: I’m staving here only for a few days. I think I can visit only some of the places, at best.
A: I guess you’re right. We’ll start early tomorrow morning.
B: Okay. We’d better go to bed right away. We have to get up early tomorrow.


recently 최근에, 근래에
modern 현대적
while ~동안에
architect 건축가
attentive 집중하는, 경청하는
intelligent 머리가 좋은
dominate 지배하다
region 지역
entire 전체
skilled 숙련된
whatever 아무렴, 어쨌든


Mission 23 Complete – Talk about my neighborhood

Review Skills 66~67
I visited my childhood neighborhood with my old friends today. I had several reasons for doing this. Two weeks ago, when my friends and I got together, we talked about the ‘good old days. Back in the days, when we were young, we were fearless and full of hope. Our town back then was vibrant with life and the streets were lively with friendly people; we were more than certain that our town was one of the best places in the entire world.


Key Expressions

A: I loved stories about cats when I was a child.
B: You did? I did love stories about animals, too.

Grammar Points – do/did로 강조하기

I do love playing with my son.I did return his book yesterday evening.
He does behave well when he’s with a babysitter.Of course. I did invite Suzie to the party.
 * ‘do/did+동사원형’을 사용하면 해당동사를 강조해서 ‘정말/진심으로 ~하다/했다’라는 의미를 전달 할 수 있습니다. 이떄 ‘do’/’did’에 좀더 힘을 줘서 말해야 의미를 잘 살릴 수 있습니다.

Vocabulary – 가족 및 육아용품

가족 및
걸음마단계 아이
육아용품toy 장난감potty 유아용 변기crib [US] / cot [UK] 아기침대
diaper [US] / nappy [UK] 기저귀stroller [US] / buggy [UK] 유모차

More Expressions – 육아 관련 표현

feed/fed/fed 먹이다She fed her baby every morning.
bite/bit/bit 깨물다He bit his sister’s finger.
sink/sank/sank 가라앉다His rubber duck sank in the bathtub.
tuck/tucked/tucked in (into bed)
잠자리를 봐주다
I tucked my baby in and read him a story.
I tucked my baby into bed.
put/put/put to bed 재우다He put his son to bed.

More Examples

A: When I was four years old, I fell from a tree and broke my leg. I had to stay in bed for a month.
B: For one month?
A: And when I was six, I got into a big fight with my friends and broke my nose.
B: Wow! You did make a lot of trouble for your parents.
A: I did make them worry a great deal. I was grounded constantly when I was ten. What about you?
B: I tried to stay away from trouble as much as possible. But once, I bit my sister’s finger and I had to stand in the corner for 30 minutes.


rubber duck 고무로 된 장난감 오리
make a lot of trouble 많은 문제를 일으키다
stay away from ~와 거리를 두다
as much as possible 되도록이면
a big deal 대단한 일, 사건
stand in the corner 구석에서 벌서다
be grounded 외출금지 당하다
rely on 의지하다
take one by surprise 놀라게 하다
cause trouble 문제를 일으키다
pacifier 공갈 젖꼭지


Key Expressions

A: I want to revisit my old school.
B: Not me, I have unhappy memories of my schooldays.

Grammar Points – 단어의 구성

(= not)
건강하지 않은
You’re eating junk food. It’s unhealthy.
(= again)
I have to rewrite my essay.
(= opposite)
I wish my story didn’t discourage you.
(= full of)
My presentation was very successful.
(= without)
무기력한/할 일이 없는
He felt restless after his graduation.

Vocabulary – 교육 관련 단어

business studies
undergraduate (adj.)
graduate (adj.)
대학원의 / v. 졸업하다
college [US] /
university [UK]대학
diploma [US] /
qualification [UK]졸업장/수료증

More Examples

A: How was your semester? Was it wonderful?
B: It was terrible. I had to rewrite the essay for my philosophy class.
A: What happened?
B: It’s a long story. I was careless. Anyway, I reorganized it and rewrote it.
A: What about the seminar? You organized it, right?
B: Oh, the seminar on unhealthy eating habits. It was successful.


revisit 방문하다
careless 부주의한
organize 주최하다, 정리하다
eating habits 식습관
redo 다시하다
undo 무효화하다
poisonous 독성의
upright citizen 올바른 시민
catch up 따라잡다
required 필수
reading materials 읽기 자료
to sum it up 요약하자면
a piece of cake 식은죽 먹기
be satisfied with ~에 만족하다


Key Expressions

A: I used to make nicknames for my friends. The names were usually silly and childish.
B: My friends used to call me Spaghetti because I was thin. I used to hate it at first, but I got used to it later.

Grammar Points – used to / be used to

used to + 동사원형be used to + 명사/동명사(~ing)
평서문He used to live in Germany.평서문He is used to living in Germany.
부정문They didn’t use to go to the gym.부정문They are not used to going to the gym.
의문문DId he use to come here?의문문Is he used to coming here?
* ‘used to + 동작동사/상태동사’는 “~하곤 했다”는 과거의 규칙적 습관을 나타내는 조동사로서 과거형으로 씁니다.
* ‘would + 동작동사’로도 과거의 반복적인 습성을 표현할 수 있습니다.
예) She would stay up late on Saturdays.
* ‘be used to’의 과거형은 be부분만 과거형으로 바뀝니다.
* 조동사와 함께 사용하거나 현재진행형을 사용하여 ‘익숙해지다’란 의미를 전달할 때는 ‘get used to’로 표현합니다.
예) 진행형: I’m getting used to my new job.
예) 미래형: You will get used to waking up early.

More Examples

A: Hey, David. I haven’t seen you lately. How have you been?
B: Just fine. I recently moved to my sister’s house downtown. It is a little far from this area.
A: Didn’t your sister use to live in Africa?
B: She used to live in Nigeria, but she’s back home now.
A: How are you getting used to living together again?
B: We’re very close. I’m sure we’ll get used to it pretty soon.
A: I’m sure you will.


a number of 다수의

6. 요약

최상급 강조 표현: by far / easily / simply
최상급 활용 표현: at (the) most / at best / at least / make (the) most of / make the best of
“do/did+동사원형”으로 해당동사를 강조해서 의미를 전달할 수 있다.
ex) I do love playing with my son. / He does behave well when he’s with a babysitter.
특정한 의미를 가진 접두사/접미사가 있다.
접두사: un (= not) / re (= again) / dis (= opposite)
접미사: ~ful (= full of) / ~ less (without)

7. 응용문장

I have two younger brothers.
C is a teenager and D is a toddler.
C makes a lot of trouble.
Last week, he threw a rubber duck at a friend.
So He stood in the corner. Also, he was grounded.
Tomorrow is D’s birthday.
I will present him with a potty and crib.

8. 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과

DAY191: 20/20 (100%)
DAY195: 20/20 (100%)

9. 느낀점

이번주 학습에서 기억남는 건 퀴즈렛 테스트이다. 부담이 크지 않을 때가 많았는데, 이번에는 생소한 단어들이 꽤 많았던 것 같다. 특히 육아용품 단얻르이 그랬던 것 같다. potty, crib (cot), diaper (nappy) 등은 쓸 일이 없어서 그런지 낯설었다. 그래서 바로 테스트 도전했다가 뒤로가서 학습하기 부터 찬찬히 했다. 이번주 퀴즈렛 테스트는 총 2번 있었는데, 둘 다 60 단어 정도 들어있었다. 바로 테스트 볼 때는 몰랐는데 생각 보다 많은 단어가 들어가 있었다. 한 20-30개 정도라고 생각했는데.. 단어 테스트 외 학습으로는 최상급 활용 표현, 최상급 강조 표현, do/did 강조, 육아 관련 표현, 접두사, 접미사, used to, be used to 등의 내용을 학습했다. 다음주면 벌써 마지막 단계 초입같은데.. 시간 정말 빠른 것 같다.
전체 0

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