주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

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영어 환급원정대 미션17 29주차

2023-07-02 18:42

 작성자 우디딩

 공부한 날짜 23. 06. 26 ~ 23. 06. 30

 수강한 강의  : 6단계 미션17. 141일차 ~ 145일차

 키워드 시점을 표현하는 전치사, 현재진행, 미래표현, to부정사, 예측, 현재형으로 미래표현하기 

 노트  :

Day 141. 일의 완료 시점 말하기

When are you going to finish the project?

I’m going to finish the project by the end of june.

When are you going to paint your house?

I’m going to paint my house by this time next month.

*I’m going to study English in June.

*I’m going to study English at 10pm.

*I’m going to finish this project by this time next year.


Day 142. 지금 하고 있는 일과 예정되어 있는 일 구별해서 말하기

What is Janet doing later?

Janet is studying at the moment, but she’s playing golf later. 

What are you doing?

I’m watching a movie now, but I’m meeting a friend at 7pm.

​*I’m studying English now, but I’m cooking dinner tonight.

*I’m traveling in July

Day 143. 목적이 무엇인지 말하기

​Where are they going this summer?

They’re going to Italy to see their relatives.

Why is Fred working so hard?

He’s working hard to pay for his tuition.

*I’m working hard to become a CEO.

*These days, I go to the gym to be healthy.

*I study English hard to go to the USA.

​*I study English hard so as to go to the USA.

Day 144. 근거를 가지고 예측해서 말하기

Did Jonny take his umbrella this morning?

No, he didn’t take his umbrella. He’s going to get wet.

Look at those cars. They’re driving too fast.

They’re going to crash!

​Day 145. 시간이 예정되어 있는 미래 일정에 대해서 말하기

What time does your train leave?

My train leaves at nine tonigt.

What time does your class start tomorrow?

It starts at ten tomorrow. 

*I’m going to study for the test when i get home.
*I’m going to finish studying before my mother comes home.

 요약  :


<시점을 표현하는 전치사들 : ~에/ ~안에/ ~까지>

*at: ~에 (특정 시간)  I’m going to have dinner at 7:00 pm.

*on: ~에 (특정 요일/ 날짜)  Bob can’t go to school on Wednesday.

*in: ~에 (특정 년도/ 계절/ 월)  It rains a lot in the seummer.

     ~안에 (기간)  I’m going to clean my room in two days.

*by: ~까지  I’m going to clean my room by tomorrow.

​<by+시점: ~까지>

by the weekend

by tomorrow

by two weeks from now

by ealry next week

by the end of March

by Thursday

by the day after tomorrow


<현재진행형으로 예정되어 있는 미래를 표현 -> be+동사ing>

1) I am doing my homework

-> now (현재진행)

-> this evening (미래)

2) She is meeting him

->at the moment (현재진행)

->at 5pm (미래)

< [be going to] 와 [be+동사ing] 비교>

1) be going to

-> 의도/ 계획을 강조

*I’m going to get married.

*I’m going to meet him.

2) be+동사ing

-> 예정되어 있음을 강조

*I’m getting married in May.

*I’m meeting him this afternoon.


<목적/ 의도를 표현하기 위한 ‘to 부정사’>

-> to 부정사 (to+동사의 원형) : ~하기 위해서/ ~하려고

-> 행위/ 행동 + 행동의 목적/ 의도

*I practice the cello every day + to become a famous cellist.

*I go to work + in order to make money.

*He’s getting ready + so as to go to the airport.


<be+going to+동사원형 : 사실에 근거한 예측>

[사실 -> 예측]

*This traffic is terrible. -> They’re going to be late for their flight.

*Lisa is carrying too many plates. -> She’s going to drop them.

*He didn’t study for the exam. -> He’s not going to pass the exam.

*The ground is slippery. -> He’s going to fall.


<현재형으로 미래 표현하기>

1) 정해져 있는 사실인 경우

*My flight leaves at nine tonight.

*The meeting starts at seven tomorrow morning.

*The spring term begins on March 2.

2) 시간 관련 접속사가 사용된 경우

*She’s going to do her homework after she finishes dinner.​

*He’s going to call you before you get home.

*They’re going to play soccer when it gets warmer.

 응용 문장  :

​I’m going to go to the park at 7 in the morning.

I’m cooking breakfast now, but I’m meeting friends tonight.

The project starts on Friday at 10 am.

 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  :




 느낀점  :

이번주 강의는 일의 완료 시점부터 to부정사 그리고 미래일정 등에 대해 말하는 법을 배웠다.

문법으로 배울 때 가장 어려웠던 to부정사와 여러 미래 표현들을 말로 하는 법을 배웠는데, 생각보다 입이 쉽게 열린 것 같다.

제니쌤과 해리쌤이 쉽게 알려주시고, 여러가지 상황별에 맞게 알려주시니 조금 더 재미있게 배울 수 있는 것 같다.

조금 헷깔렸던 부분은 be going to 와 be 동사ing 를 비교하는 구문인데, 의도/ 계획과 예정이 조금 헷깔렸다. 이건 정말 스무번 백뻔!!연습을 해야 내 것이 될 수 있을것 같다.

특히 여러가지 전치사의 다양한 표현들도 암기해야 할 것 같다.


 단계 완료 후기 링크  :

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