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미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어 환급원정대 미션 25 41주차

2023-07-30 02:57

  1.  작성자  : 제나
  2.  공부한 날짜  : 2023.07.24 – 07.29
  3.  수강한 강의  : 미션25 201강 – 205강
  4.  키워드  :
    201강 : 문제의 원인이 되는 행동에 대해 말하기
    202강 : 행동의 기간에 대해 묻고 답하기
    203강 : 문제에 대해 알아보기
    204강 : 문제 해결 능력에 대해 말하기
    205강 : 해결 과정과 결과에 대해 말하기

  5.  노트  :
    I have been working over time for three months.
    I have been participating in ten meetings this week.
    I haven’t been sleeping well for several days.
    Have you been having nightmares?
    I’ve been having nightmares for ten days in a row.
    I’ve been having expired food for a week.

    How long have you been studying English?
    I’ve been studying English for two hundred two days.
    How long have they been working out?
    They have been working out since they were twenty.
    I’ve been spending a lot of money on eating out and going to convenient store.

    It’s important to put an end to this fight.
    He is disrespectful and irresponsible and illogical.
    I think I’m unable to make this situation better.
    I know it’s difficult to apologize first.
    It’s impossible to buy a Ferrari.

    Were you able to fix your laptop?
    To my relief, I managed to get a new cable from the student office.
    I managed to do my presentation on time.
    Finally, I succeeded in getting a B.
    I managed to pass the test after several times.

    I have been doing my homework.
    I still haven’t finished yet.
    How long have you been working on you essay?
    I have been writing my essay for a week / this whole week.
    I have just left this library.

  6.  요약  :
    현재 완료 진행 : has / have been + -ing
    1. 활동의 지속
    I have been carrying boxes all day. My back hurts.
    She has been talking on the phone for an hour. Her mother is not very pleased.
    I’ve been watching movies all night. I am so tired.

    2. 지속된 활동의 결과
    You play really well. Have you been practicing recently?
    The ground is wet. Has it been raining?
    Have you been drinking? I can smell alcohol on your breath.
    ‘계속해서, 내내’ 등의 의미로 쓰이는 현재진행형 (현재완료 + 진행형)은 현재완료와 마찬가지로 과거부터 현재까지의 기간을 나타내는 부사 (since, for, recently, all afternoon, this week등) 와 함께 사용할 수 있으며, 구체적 과거시점 표현 (yesterday, in 2016, on Tuesday, two days ago 등) 과는 사용할 수 없다.

    How long + 현재완료진행
    A : How long have you been investigating?
    B : I’ve been investigating since last May.
    A : How long has she been cleaning the house?
    B : She’s been cleaning for five hours.
    A : How long have they been arguing?
    B : They’ve been arguing since they met.

    진짜 주어 + 가짜 주어
    It is + 형용사 + to부정사
    It is important to finish your work.
    It is difficult to make mushroom soup.
    It is impossible to solve the problem.
    It is illegal to smoke inside the store.

    여기서 ‘It’는 가짜주어 (가주어) 이므로 따로 ‘그것’이라고 해석하지 않는다. 여기서 진짜주어 (진주어)는 ‘to 부정사’ 이후의 문장이다. 가주어를 쓰는 이유는 영어는 간단한 주어를 선호하기 때문이다. 
    ‘for + 목적격’을 to 부정사 앞에 넣어서 ‘의미상 주어’를 언급할 수 있다. 단 사람의 성품을 나타내는 형용사 (nice, kind, sweet등 )은 ‘of + 목적격’을 사용한다.
    예) It’s difficult for me to speak English. / It is nice of you to come.

    능력을 나타내는 표현 : be able (unable) to / can
    I am able to / can speak English well. (현재)
    I was able to / could speak English well. (과거)
    They are able to / can sing that song. (현재)
    They were able to / could sing that song. (과거)
    She isn’t able to / is unable to / can’t swim across that river. (현재)
    She wasn’t able to / was unable to / couldn’t swim across that river. (과거)
    ‘be able to’ 와 ‘can’은 ‘~ 할 수 있다’란 의미로 사용될 때 서로 대체하여 사용 가능하다. 단 ‘be able to’는 좀 더 격식있는 표현이다. 

    현재완료진행 vs 현재완료
    1. 현재완료진행
    I’ve been eating too much chocolate. -> I must eat less.
    He’s been cooking dinner for an hour. -> It’ll be ready soon.
    She’s been repairing her bike for hours. -> Her hands are covered in oil.

    2. 현재완료
    Kelly has eaten all the cake. -> There’s no cake for you.
    I’ve cooked dinner. -> It’s ready for you.
    She’s repaired her bike. -> She can ride it to work now.
    love, know 등과 같이 감정 / 지각 / 정신상태 등을 표현하는 ‘상태 동사’는 일반적으로 ‘현재완료 진행형’을 사용하지 않고 완료형으로 지속성을 나타낸다.
    예) I’ve always loved him. (O)
    I’ve always been loving him. (X)

  7.  응용 문장  :
    I have been taking care baby all day. I’m so tired.
    He has been doing computer game for six hours. His mother is angered.
    I have been working out for five hours. I’m hungry.
    How long have you been working this company?
    -> I’ve been working for three years.
    How long have they dating?
    -> They have been dating for almost eight months.
    How long has she been driving?
    -> She has been driving for two hours.
    It’s important to check your health regularly.
    It’s impossible to open the locked door.
    I was unable to move those boxes.
    I managed to move those with my friends.
    Finally, I was able to solve my problem.
    They managed to buy the hats they wanted.
    Finally, I succeeded in opening the door.
    He has been repairing his computer all afternoon. -> He is exhausted.
    They have been meeting for tow hours. -> It’s an important issue.
    I have been doing my homework for an hour. -> It’ll finish soon.
    She has been redoing the paint her chairs for hours. -> She is tired.

  8.  퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 202강 : 21.3      205강 : 22.1
  9.  느낀점  :
     41주차에선 ‘현재완료 진행형’. ‘how long + 현재완료진행’, ‘가주어, 진주어’ 능력을 나타내는 표현들, 현재완료 진행과 현재완료의 차이를 알고 이를 이용하여 ‘문제의 원인이 되는 행동’, ‘행동의 기간’, ‘문제에 대해’, ‘문제의 해결 능력’, ‘해결 과정과 결과에 대해 말하기’ 를 공부했다. 현재완료와 현재완료진행형에 약간의 혼동이 있었으나 그 차이를 정확히 알게 되었고, 그 표현의 중요성도 재확인 할 수 있었다. 그리고 복습하는 부분이 많아서 어렵지 않다고 생각했지만, 영어 단어 차이가 까다롭다는 것을 다시 한 번 느꼈다. 연습문제 지문에 지구 온난화에 대한 글이 나와서 새롭고 좋았다. 일상 대화 내용도 좋지만 가끔은 이렇게 시사 내용이 나오면, 신시아 쌤의 미니팝스가 공부의 지루함을 없애고 즐거움을 주듯, 영어 공부와 더불어 상식도 키우는 것 같다. 마치 일석삼조의 효과랄까.
전체 0

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