주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

나만의 미니학습지 학습 아카이브
미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간


2023-11-11 22:45

  1.  작성자  :강선희
  2.  공부한 날짜  :2023.11.6~11.10
  3.  수강한 강의  :day 186~190
  4.  키워드  :186.실전연습
  5.  187.집안일에 대해말하기
  6.  188.평소일정과특정한 날의일정 구분해서 말하기
  7.  189.동네에서일어나는일에대해말하기
  8.  190.동네풍경 비교해서 이야기하기

  9.  노트  :< day 186 >
  10.   ㅡ실전연습ㅡ
   < day 187 >
 * – I’ll now the lawn after breakfast.
 – simon is watering the plants now
 – Gina Is going to walk the dog after 5pm.

  *시제별로 말해보기
ㅡ 현재: walk the dog
ㅡ과거: made the bed
ㅡ현재진행: folding the towels
ㅡ현재완료: have loaded the dishwasher
ㅡ미래: will sweep the floor. .

 * plastic bag / lawn mower / rug / trash can – trash bin / chest of drawers / bedside table / basin / silvermore – cutlery 

      < day 188 >
 * – It’s saturday. Do you have any special plans for tonight ?
 – I usually have dinner with my family on Saturdays. but tonight I’m eating out with some of my colleagues.
 → I normally now the lawn On Saturdays, but I watered the plants last Saturday.
→ I go swimming every, afternoon but today I’m playing tennis with Jenny.

  * help의쓰임
 → He helped me with my work.
 → He helped me find my key

  * It’s about time

    < day 189 >
 * – Did they tear down the building on the main street?
 – Yes, they did, They tore down the entire building two days ago.

 .*도시주요시설 및 관련형용사
 law Court / dinthat office / pharmacy – chemist / government building / commerical district / community center / amenities / shopping mall – shopping Centre /
lively – bustling / exciting – vibrant / polluted – dirty / unspoiled

  * tear down / main Street / entire / offer / budget / talent / hesitate / be against / be eager to / set off / brank down / end up / bump into / bring up / take up / lay off / tum out / keep up / put through / work out / Crash into

     < day 190 >
 * – There’s a tall tree in my backyard
 – I know . It’s a lot taller than the tree in my backyard.
 – I think it’s slightly smaller than the maple tree in the Park.

 * .강조해서 비교하기
 → a lot / much / for / a bit / slightly → bigger than / more beautiful than
  * The 비교급~,the 비교급~:~할수록~하다
 → The faster you run. the better You feel

 *had better~하는편이 낫다/하는게좋겠다
 → You’d better get a new Job

 * slightly / maple tree / residents / have a look around / give a call / show someone around / spacious

  1.  요약  :* – I’ll now the lawn after breakfast.
  2.  – simon is watering the plants now
  3.  – Gina Is going to walk the dog after 5pm.
* – It’s saturday. Do you have any special plans for tonight ?
 – I usually have dinner with my family on Saturdays. but tonight I’m eating out with some of my colleagues.

* – Did they tear down the building on the main street?
 – Yes, they did, They tore down the entire building two days ago.

* – There’s a tall tree in my backyard
 – I know . It’s a lot taller than the tree in my backyard.
 – I think it’s slightly smaller than the maple tree in the Park.
  1.  응용 문장  :*- I’ll do the dishes tomorrow
  2.   – I usually go to the gym on weekends, but today I’m going to meet my friends.
  3.   – My dad heaped me do my homework
  4.  – I’ll do the laundry
  6.  퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 11/0
  7.  느낀점  :미션23이 시작되었다.이번주는 모르는
  8. 단어가 많아서 외워야 할 게 많았다.문장
  9. 도 난이도가 좀 느껴져서 좀더 시간을 투
  10. 자해서 집중해보았다. 집안일 관련 표현
  11. 들은 명사 앞에 the가 붙는 경우가 많았
  12. 다. help는 뒤에 동사 원형과 to부정사가
  13. 모두 올 수 있지만 보통 동사 원형을 더
  14. 많이 쓴다.have/make/let동사도 ~하
  15. 게 하다 라는 의미로 사용한다. 예를 들
  16. 어보겠다.I made him smile/ I let her
  17. stay/ I had her do the laundry. 분리
  18. 할 수 있는 구동사에서는 전치사/부사와
  19. 분리되어 그 사이에 목적어가 들어갈 수
  20. 있다.목적어가 대명사이면 항상 동사+대
  21. 명사+전치사 순으로만 사용된다.had be
  22. tter은 ~하는편이 낫다 /하는게 좋겠다
  23. 라는 뜻으로 쓰인다. 이번주도 열심히
  24. 했기에 뿌듯하고 이렇게 정리하니 잘 외워진다.
  25.  단계 완료 후기 링크  :
전체 0

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