주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

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미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

17주차 학습일지 [영어] day81-day85

2022-05-14 23:58


1. saellina@naver.com / 이야기별

2. 날짜: 2022. 5.9 ~ 5.13

3. 강의: Mission 9 day81~day85

4. 키워드 : 빈도 표현하기, 취미에 대해 묻고 답하기, 취미생활 빈도 묻고 답하기, 좋아하는 것, 싫어하는 것 말하기, 이유 설명하기


5. 노트

1) 빈도표현

<Key Expressions>

I often go shopping on Fridays. 나는 금요일에는 자주 쇼핑을 한다.

He sometimes goes to bed after midnight. 그는 때때로 자정을 지나서 잔다.

<More Examples>

Sarah always plays chess with Ben. 사라는 늘 벤과 체스를 둔다.

Debbie never goes dancing with her sister. 데비는 여동생과 절대로 춤추러 가지 않는다.

Her grandson often plays golf with her. 그녀의 손주는 자주 그녀와 함께 골프를 친다.

The flower shop is usually clean and nice. 그 꽃 가게는 대개 깨끗하고 쾌적하다.


I usually dance all night.

We never eat fish.

They often watch TV at night.

He usually rides his bicycle.

Do you sometimes work late?


Danny and Mary have two sons, Jeff and Jack. Danny always plays tennis with his sons every morning. Mary usually goes shopping with her friends. Jeff often goes grocery shopping with his dad. Jack sometimes goes cycling with his brother, but they never play chess together.


2) 취미에 대해 묻고 답하기

<Key Expressions>

What is your hobby? 넌 취미가 뭐니?

I go camping. 나는 캠핑 다녀.

What is your hobby? 넌 취미가 뭐니?

My hobby is going out to eat. 내 취미는 외식하는 거야.

What do you do in your free time? 너는 여가 시간에 뭐 하니?

I play board games. 나는 보드게임을 해.

<More Examples>

Steve always watches TV at home. He never goes out to watch a movie.

스티브는 항상 집에서 TV를 봐. 영화를 본다고 절대로 나가지 않아.

Kevin often reads before ho goes to bed. He sometimes takes photos of his books. 케빈은 자러가기 전 책을 자주 읽어. 가끔은 그의 책들 사진을 찍기도 해.


Sally likes delicious food. She likes going to famous restaurants with her friends. Her hobby is going out to eat.

Tom is a good musician. He plays the guitark, piano, drum, and violin. He likes playing music. His hobby is playing musical instruments.

My brother likes sports. He plays soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis every day. His hobby is playing sports.

My grandmother likes board games. She always plays board games with her friends in the afternoon. Her hobby is playing board games.



My friends at work have different hobbies. Naomi often goes out with her family. Her hobby is spending time with her family. Nathan always listens to music. His hobby is playing musical instruments. Jeff often goes out with his friends. His bobby is going out to eat with his friends. He sometimes plays card with them.


3) 취미생활 빈도 묻고 답하기

<Key Expressions>

How often do you go shopping?

I go shopping once a week.

When do you go shopping?

I go shopping after work.

<More Examples>

What I syour hobby?

I go sightseeing in my free time.

How often do you go sightseeing?

I go once a month.


How often do you meet friends?

Twice a week.

When do you meet them?

I meet them at 8:00 after work.



① Ⓐ When do you go on vacation? I go on vacation in the summer.

② Ⓐ How often do you take photos? I take photos once a week.

③ Ⓐ When do you watch television? I watch television in the evening.

④ Ⓐ How often do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth twice a day.



My father’s hobby is taking photos with his friends once a week.

How often do Nick and Nora see a play?

What does do in his free time?

My English teacher’s hobby is going camping and my Spanish teacher’s hobby is visiting a museum.


4) 좋아하는 것, 싫어하는 것 말하기

<Key Expressions>

Felix likes basketball. 필릭스는 농구를 좋아해.

Neil doesn’t like basketbll. 닐은 농구를 좋아하지 않아.

Carrie loves swimming. 캐리는 수영을 정말 좋아해.

Olive hates swimming. 올리브는 수영을 정말 싫어해.


<More Examples>

* I like soccer, but I don’t like playing soccer It’s not easy.

나는 축구를 좋아하지만 하는 건 별로야. 쉽지 않거든.

* I love cookies, but I hate baking in my kitchen.

난 과자를 아주 좋아하지만 부엌에서 굽는 건 질색이야.



There’s a nice restaurant near my house. The food is delicious and I love going out with my friends to have dinner together.

Janet has a big old dog. She loves him, but she hates washing him.

My friend is an actor. He likes acting, but he doesn’t like watching television.

I get up at 7:00 in the morning and go to work. But I hate getting up early every morning.

There’s a very busy bank across the street. I don’t like going there because it’s so noisy.


5) 이유 설명하기

<Key Expressions>

Why do you like cheese? 넌 치즈를 왜 좋아해?

I like it because it’s delicious. 맛있으니까 좋아해.

Why don’t you like skiing? 너는 스키 타는 걸 왜 안 좋아해?

I hate it because it’s dangerous. 위험해서 정말 싫어.

Do you like hockey? 하키 좋아하니?

Yes, I do. It’s exciting. , 좋아해 재밌잖아.



Why does Dan hate snowboarding?

-> Dan hates snowboarding because it’s dangerous.

댄은 위험해서 스노우보드 타는 것을 완전 싫어해.

Why do they like playing chess?

-> They like playing chess because it’s interesting.

그들이 체스놀이를 좋아하는 것은 흥미롭기 때문이야.

Why does your teacher love apples?

-> She loves apples because they’re healthy. 그녀는 건강에 좋아서 사과를 좋아해.

Why don’t we like horror movies?

-> We hate horror movies because they’re scary. 우리는 무서워서 공포영화를 싫어해.

Do you like this book?

-> No, I don’t. I don’t like that book because it’s boring. 나는 그 책이 지루해서 싫어.


6. 요약

* 빈도부사

always : 100% 항상

usually : 90% 보통 / 대개

often : 70% 자주

sometimes : 50% 가끔

never : 0% 절대

* 빈도부사 위치

be동사가 쓰인 문장: be동사 뒤에 온다.

일반동사가 쓰인 문장 : 일반 동사 앞에 온다.

* 취미 / 여가활동

sew:바느질하다 knit 뜨개질하다 play cards: 카드놀이를 하다

go out to eat: 외식하다 do the gardening: 정원 손질하다

go camping: 캠핑하러 가다 do exercise: 운동하다

surf the internet: 인터넷 검색을 하다

spend time with family: 가족과 시간을 보내다

do puzzles: 퍼즐게임을 하다 take photos: 사진을 찍다

see a play : 연극을 보다 go sightseeing: 관광하다


* 빈도 / 시기 의문문

빈도/시기 + do동사 + 주어

:: How often do you go shopping?

:: When do you go shopping?

* [like/don’t like/ love / hate + 명사] : 명사(사람/물건/대상)에 대한 취향 / 선호도

[like/don’t like/ love / hate + 동명사(ing)] : 동명사(활동)에 대한 취향 / 선호도


* 부정의문문으로 물어보기

질문: Why do you like cake?

대답: I love it / I like it because it’s sweet.

질문: Why don’t you like cake?

대답: I hate it / I don’t like it because it’s disgusting.


7. 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과

어휘 학습, 모두 학습 완료


8. 응용문장

* I always eat lunch. I sometimes eat noodles for lunch.

I usually eat vegetarian.

I never eat pork.

* What is your husband hobby? His hobby is playing baduk games.

My hobby is going shopping.

* How often do you cook? I cook once or twice a week.

When do you cook? I cook in the afternoon.

* I like her because she is always polite and kind.

* Why do you like wine? I love it because it’s so sweet.

Why do you like cardio? I like it because it’s healthy.


9. 느낀점

day84Practice A는 알맞은 문장을 연결하는 문제인데, 이번에 푸는 데 좀 시간이 걸렸다. 나를 헷갈리게 한 문장은 바로 이 문장이다. Janet has a big old dog. 이 문장에 연결되는 문장은 She loves him, but she hates washing him. 이다. doghim 으로 표현하여 처음에 제대로 해석하지 않고 연결하지 못했던 것이다. 뒷 문장의 washing him을 뒤늦게 제대로 보고 연결했다. 문장을 제대로 끝까지 잘 봐야하는 이유.

원어민 선생님의 발음을 들으면서 지금까지 내가 poor 발음을 이상하게 해 왔다는 것을 알게 되었다. 이상한 발음이 어디 poor 뿐이겠냐만. bitter처럼 tt 발음도 아직 나는 영국식으로 해야 편한 것 같다.

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