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영어 환급원정대 미션 6,7 13주차

2024-03-16 22:20

 작성자  : shiro

 공부한 날짜  : 2024.03.11 ~ 2024.03.16

 수강한 강의  : 미션 6 61일차 ~ 64일차, 미션 7 65일차

 키워드  : 물건, 부엌물건, 영국식 표현 묻고 답하기, (불)가산명사

 노트  :

<61일차: 어떤 물건이 있는지 묻고 답하기>

Do you have a knife? / Yes, I do.

Does he have a kettle? / No, he doesn’t.

I/You/We/They have ~. / Do I/you/we/they have ~?

He/She/It has ~. / Does he/she/it have ~?

Yes, I/you/we/they do. / Yes, he/she/it does.

No, I/you/we/they don’t. / No, he/she/it doesn’t.

Yes, I do. (미국식 표현) / Yes, I have. (영국식 표현)

roommate 같은 방에 사는 사람

housemate 다른 방이지만 같은 집에 사는 사람

<62일차: 부엌에 있는 물건들 배우기>

Does Paul have a can opener? / Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

부엌에 있는 물건

spoon(spoons) / fork(forks) / knife(knives) / chopping board(chopping boards) 도마 / chopsticks / tray(trays) / spatula(spatulas) 주걱 / ladle(ladles) 국자 / frying pan(frying pans) / pot[US](pots)/saucepan[UK](saucepans) 냄비 / lid(lids) 뚜껑 / can opener(can openers) / cup(cups) / glass(glasses) / mug(mugs) / bottle opener(bottle openers) / plate(plates) / bowl(bowls) / kattle 주전자

[kn]와 [gn]발음

[kn]: ‘크’ 소리 X, ‘ㄴ’ 으로 발음 (knife, know, knit)

[gn]: ‘그’ 소리 X, ‘ㄴ’으로 발음 (sign, design, campaign)

– f / fe로 끝나는 단어의 복수형

f -> v로 고치고 -es 붙이기 (예외 roof의 복수형은 roofs)

knife/knives, wife/wives, life/lives, leaf/leaves, shelf/shelves, wolf/wolves

soup 국, 수프 / noodles 국수, 면요리 (스파게티 제외)

fyied egg 계란후라이 / sunny side up 노른자가 위로 오게 굽기 / scrambled eggs 스크램블 에그

<63일차: 영국식 표현으로 묻고 답하기>

Do you have a chopping board? / Have you got a chopping board? [UK]

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 

Does she have a pot? / Has she got a saucepan? [UK]

Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.

We have a frying pan. / Do we have a frying pan? / Yes, we do./have. / No, we don’t./haven’t. 

We have got a frying pan. / Have we got a frying pan? / Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.

He has a can opener. / Does he have a can opener? / Yes, he does./has. / No, he doesn’t./hasn’t.

He has got a can opener. / Has he got a can opener? / Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t

<64일차: 실전 연습하기>

My house is simple, but it’s perfect for me. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, a sink, a electric stove, and a washing machine. In the cupboard above, there are many dishes, two pots, two frying pans and three chopsticks. Opposite the washing machine is the wireless cleaner. Next to the kitchen, there is a living room. There are two bean bags, a carpet, a big window. Opposite the bean bags is the TV and the table. We eat while waching TV. The first room is my computer room. It doesn’t have a bed. It has two desks, two chairs, two computers, and a closet. The second room is my bedroom. There is a bed, a closet, a mirror, and a window. On the left of the kitchen, there is a bathroom. It doesn’t have a window. There is a toilet, a wash-basin, a shower, and mirror.

studio 원룸 / one-bedroom apartment 투룸 / cozy and warm 아늑하고 따뜻한

<65일차: 셀 수 있는 음식과 셀 수 없는 음식>

What’s in the refrigerator? / There is an apple. Also, there’s some water.

가산명사: 한 개, 두 개 등으로 셀 수 있는 명사

There is a book. / There is an apple. / There are two books. / There are some books.

불가산명사: 셀 수 없는 명사

There is some cheese. 

전치사 in, on, under

some : 어떤 명사에도 쓸 수 있다 / 수량이 정확하지 않거나 중요하지 않을 때 사용

leftovers 남은 음식

 요약  :61일차: I/You/We/They have ~. / Do I/you/we/they have ~?

He/She/It has ~. / Does he/she/it have ~?

Yes, I/you/we/they do. / Yes, he/she/it does.

No, I/you/we/they don’t. / No, he/she/it doesn’t.

62일차: spoon(spoons) / fork(forks) / knife(knives) / chopping board(chopping boards) 도마 / chopsticks / tray(trays) / spatula(spatulas) / ladle(ladles) / frying pan(frying pans) / pot[US](pots)/saucepan[UK](saucepans) / lid(lids) / can opener(can openers) / cup(cups) / glass(glasses) / mug(mugs) / bottle opener(bottle openers) / plate(plates) / bowl(bowls) / kattle

63일차: We have got a frying pan. / Have we got a frying pan? / Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
He has got a can opener. / Has he got a can opener? / Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

64일차: My house is simple, but it’s perfect for me. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, a sink, a electric stove, and a washing machine. In the cupboard above, there are many dishes, two pots, two frying pans and three chopsticks. Opposite the washing machine is the wireless cleaner. Next to the kitchen, there is a living room. There are two bean bags, a carpet, a big window. Opposite the bean bags is the TV and the table. We eat while waching TV. The first room is my computer room. It doesn’t have a bed. It has two desks, two chairs, two computers, and a closet. The second room is my bedroom. There is a bed, a closet, a mirror, and a window. On the left of the kitchen, there is a bathroom. It doesn’t have a window. There is a toilet, a wash-basin, a shower, and mirror.

가산명사: 한 개, 두 개 등으로 셀 수 있는 명사

There is a book. / There is an apple. / There are two books. / There are some books.

불가산명사: 셀 수 없는 명사

There is some cheese. 

 응용 문장  : Do you have spoons? / Yes. I do. / Where’re they? / They’re in kitchen. / Where is the kitchen? / The kitchen is next to the bathroom. / Have you got a frying pan? / No, I haven’t.

 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 63일차 카드맞추기 11.0

 느낀점  : 최근에 영어를 자주 말하면서 공부를 하다가 주변 사람들이 제 영어 발음이 좋아졌다고 하더라구요! 안 그래도 영어때문에 걱정이 많았었는데 다들 그렇다고 하니 다행이었어요. 미니학습지를 통해 공부를 한 노력들이 이제 되돌아 오는 것 같아요. 더욱 힘이 나는 것 같아서 좋습니다. 그리고 부엌에 있는 물건들도 제가 생각보다 모르는 것들이 많더라구요. 실생활에서 자주 쓰이는 것들인데 말이죠 ㅠ 앞으로도 더욱 공부해야할 것들이 많이 남아있습니다. 그리고 말하는 것도 중요하지만, 단어를 외우는 것도 정말 중요하다는 것을 알게되었어요! 그래서 미니학습지도 하면서 단어공부도 하려구요! 아자아자 화이팅!

 단계 완료 후기 링크  :블로그 링크

전체 0

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