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영어회화 습관러 36주차 (1.16~1.22)

2023-01-22 02:06
  1. 작성자 : 서 헬레나

  2. 공부한 날짜 : 2023. 1.16. ~2023.1.22

  3. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 007

  4. 키워드 : set A up with B, booze talking

  5. 노트 : “주어 찾기”를 위해 동사를 먼저 확인하고 동사에 맞는 주어를 찾아 문장과 문장을 연결!

    1. (me) Hey, you said that you set up with me yesterday.
      (correct) Hey, you said yesterday that you were going to set me up with someone.
      → 어제 말했다 ~할 거라는 예정(시제) 나를 누구와 소개시키다
    2. (me) Hurry up to set a date.
      (correct) Hurry up and set a date.
      서둘러 ‘서’=그리고 날짜를 잡자
    3. (me) Oh, I’m sorry. It might be the booze talking.
      (correct) Uh, sorry. I think that was the booze talking.
      같은데 (내가 말했던)그거는
  6. 요약 : 동사에 맞는 주어를 찾고, 주어가 ‘동사’하는 시제에 맞게 문장 만들기

  7. 응용 문장 :

    1. You said that you were going to meet with him.
    2. I can’t believe that was the booze talking.
  8. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 008

  9. 키워드 : get acquainted, in the doghouse with, get off on the wrong foot

  10. 노트 :

    1. (me) How was the first day to work?
      (correct) How was your first day at work?
      너의 첫 날 직장에서 “at” 사용
    2. (me) Are you get acquainted people?
      (correct) Did you get acquainted with your co-workers?
      어떤 사람들? 직장 동료들
    3. (me) The truth is that I was late for 30 minutes from the first day.
      (correct) The truth is, I was 30 minutes late,
      → I was + 30minutes + late
    4. (me) and he is in the doghouse with me.
      (correct) and I’m in the doghouse with my boss already.
      내가 사장을 화 나게 해서 곤란하다
    5. (me) I got off on the wrong foot.
      (correct) I really got off on the wrong foot.
      (침대에서 내려올 때) 첫 발을 잘못 내딛었다는 표현(=첫 단추를 잘못 끼웠다)
  11. 요약 : 명사에 항상 무엇을 붙여서 정의하려는 영어의 성질(정관사, 소유격 등)

  12. 응용 문장 :

    1. I’m in the doghouse with him indeed.
    2. It was my first day but I already got off on the wrong foot.
  13. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 009

  14. 키워드 : something stuck between my teeth, it was probably~

  15. 노트 :

    1. (me) I looked at the mirror,
      (correct) I looked at the mirror
      → 거울을 보다가 …를 보다: I looked at the mirror and saw (자주 쓰이는 표현)
    2. (me) and it has got something stuck between my teeth.
      (correct) and saw something stuck between my teeth.
      → 이 사이에 무언가 끼어있다
    3. (me) You should have told me.
      (correct) You should have told me.
      → ~ 했었어야지.
    4. (me) Well, I didn’t noticed that,
      (correct) Huh? I didn’t notice. 알아차리다
    5. (me) It was probably too small.
      (correct) It was probably too small to see.
      → ~했던 듯, ~던 것 같다
    6. (me) Don’t worry.
      (correct) Don’t worry about it.
  16. 요약 : 거울을 볼 때는 ‘look at the mirror’ 거울을 통해 보게된 건 ‘I saw’ 이렇게 세트로 사용

  17. 응용 문장 :

    1. You should look at the mirror. I see something stuck between your teeth.
    2. I didn’t notice that because it was probably too fast to see.
  18. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 010

  19. 키워드 : I don’t know why, lips are chapped, it does the trick

  20. 노트 :

    1. (me) I don’t know why my lips are so dry.
      (correct) I don’t know why my lips are so dry.
      왜 그러는지 모르겠어
    2. (me) It’s sore that lips are chapped everyday.
      (correct) They’re sore because they’re always chapped.
      → my lips 영어는 같은 단어, 동사를 반복해서 사용 X
    3. (me) Do you want to try my lip balm?
      (correct) Do you want to try the lip balm I use?
      → I use 가 lip balm을 꾸며 줌
    4. (me) It really works.
      (correct) It really does the trick.
      → 효험이 있다, 효력이 있다
  21. 요약 :

  22. 응용 문장 :

    1. I don’t know why it takes so long to do.
    2. He needs the lip balm because his lips are always chapped.
  23. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 011

  24. 키워드 : get the text, over and over

  25. 노트 :

    1. (me) Let’s talk with me for a moment.
      (correct) Can we talk for a minute?
      → “~하자”는 ‘Let’s’가 될 수도 있지만, “Can we ~?”로 할 수도 있다
    2. (me) Didn’t you get my text yesterday?
      (correct) Didn’t you get the text I sent last night?
      → 내가 지난밤에 보낸 the text
    3. (me) I did
      (correct) I did, but
    4. (me) No more I talk to you.
      (correct) I have nothing more to say.
    5. (me) Already I told you over and over.
      (correct) I’ve already told you over and over.
      → (현재완료) 과거부터 현재까지 얘기한 것
    6. (me) that we are through already.
      (correct) that we are through.
  26. 요약 : 작문이 틀렸다고 생각하지 말고, 이런 저런 표현을 사용할 수 있도록 연습!

  27. 응용 문장 :

    1. Did you see the text I sent yesterday?
    2. You know, I’ve already told you about that.
  28. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 012

  29. 키워드 : It’s right up my alley, we have similar taste in…

  30. 노트 :

    1. (me) Do you remember a movie that you recommended before?
      (correct) Remeber the movie you recommended last time?
      → 네가 추천해준 ‘그’ 영화
    2. (me) It was so good, it~~’s~~ right up my alley.
      (correct) I loved it, it was right up my alley.
      동사의 시제 확인★
    3. (me) I didn’t realized that we have similar taste in movie.
      (correct) I didn’t realize, but I think we have similar taste in movies.
      몰랐던 사실을 깨달았다 취향이 같다(=안목, 입맛)
    4. (me) I know you would like that.
      (correct) I knew you’d like it.
    5. (me) I think about you as soon as I see the movie.
      (correct) I thought of you as soon as I saw the movie.
  31. 요약 : 시제 사용에 신경쓰기~

  32. 응용 문장 :
    I really love that item, it’s right up my alley.
    b. I mean we have similar taste in foods.

  33. 느낀점 : 설 연휴가 주말이라 부리나케 영어 학습을 마쳤다. 영어 작문 문제가 얼마 안된다고 생각했는데, 공부하는 데 오히려 더 많은 시간이 드는 것 같다. 먼저 힌트를 보면서 영어 작문을 먼저 쓰고 나서 강의를 들으면서 내가 쓴 문장과 어떤 부분이 다른지 무엇이 잘못됐는지를 파악하고, 켈리쌤이 설명해 주는 영어 표현들을 필기했다. 그리고 필기한 내용을 노션으로 다시 옮겨 적으면서 정리했다. 분명히 짧은 문장이고, 자주 쓰는 한국어 문장인데도 영어로 쓰려니 전혀 생각이 나지 않았다. 가장 많이 틀리는 부분은 동사의 시제 부분이었다. 시간을 들여서 쓸 수 있는 작문인데도 이렇게 오류가 많으니, 바로바로 문장을 만들어야 하는 말하기는 오류가 많을 수 밖에 없다는 생각이 들었다. match english를 다 공부하고 나면 말하기에도 많은 도움이 될 것 같다.

  34. 단계 완료 후기 링크 : https://helenslifrary.notion.site/2-8ccdddd880d74657b1a6e72e9262a008

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