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미니학습지 독일어 4단계 후기

2022-05-15 12:26

  • 아이디or 닉네임: 셀든
  • 들으신 학습지(언어 및 단계/미션): 독일어 미니학습지 4단계 
  • 학습일지(후기):


sein = 있다, 존재하다

war = sein 과거형

ich bin /war

du bist /warst 

er sie es ist/war

wir sind/ waren

ihr seid /wart

sie Sie sind waren

Die Tür war auf The door was opened

Der Fernseher war aus. The TV was off

wir waren in Deutschland. we were in Germany

voll = full die U-bahn ist voll

das Bett, -en bed Ich habe ein neues Bett gekauft. i bought a new bed.

alle =all Alles Sprachen sind schön. Alll languages are beautiful.


warst du schon mal dort? Have you been there?

Ich war noch nie dort. I have never been there

Wart ihr schon mal in der Schweiz? Have you ever been in Switzerland?

Die Schweiz 스위스

In der Schweiz = in switzerland

In die Schweiz= to switzerland

Die türkei turkey

In der Türkei = in Turkey

In die Türkei= to Turkey

Bauen = built

Baust du mir großes Haus?

Bald= soon 

Ich fleuge bald ins Weltall. 

I am going to the universe soon

Geben= give

Ich gebe dir das Geld. 

I will give you money


Haben = have

Hatte= had

Ich habe – Ich hatte

Du hast- du hattest

Er/sie/es hat-hatte

Wir haben -wir hatten

Ihr habt- ihr hattet

sie/Sie hanen- hatten

Ich hatte einen Druker zu Hause. I had a printer at home

Hattest du Spaß? Did you have fun? You had fun?

Du hatte ich keine Zeit. I didn’t have time at that time.

Schon= already 

Fragen= question

Denken= think


Ich hatte einen Traum 

I had a dream

Ich hatte dich lieb. 

I have loved you 

Ich hatte viel zu tun. 

I had lots of work.

Spaß machen= 재미가 있다

Es macht Spaß! 그것은 재미있다

Nichts. 아무것도 das macht nichts 괜찮습니다

Rufen 부르다 Ich werde sofort die Polizei rufen 당장 경찰에 신고할거야


Ich war erkältet.  I had cold

Hatten Sie Fieber? Did you have a fever?

Ich hatte Husteb. I had a cough

Erkältet sein. I have a cold

Fieber haben =have fever

Husten haben = have cough

Kopfschmerzen haben = have headache

Bauchschmerzen haben= have stomachs 

Die Nase laufen (Mir läugt die Nase) = have runny nose. I have a runny nose

Der Arzt,-e / die Ärztin,-nen : doctor

Der Arzt was unfreundlich. The doctor was unfriendly.

Untersuchen= 진찰하다 연구하다

Dauern= take 걸리다 소요하다

Warum dauert das immer so lange? Why does it take so long everytime?

월화수 미리 공부 해두고 목요일 한국으로 출발해 비행기에서 조금 금요일 도착하고 마저 마무리 했다.

과거형을 배우기 시작했는데 영어 어순이랑 같고 habe hatte have had 도 비슷해서 주어 별 동사변형만 바로바로 나온다면 크게 어려울게 없다고 생각했다. 이번주도 대부분 앞부분 반복되어 나오는 단어들이라 복습하며 익히기 좋았고 문장들 자체가 되게 생활에 필요한 말들이라 꼭 외워 쓰면 좋을 것 같다

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