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영어 환급원정대 4단계 2주차

2023-02-04 19:45

– 제목 : 영어 환급 원정대 4단계 2주차

– 작성자 : maxaga1@naver.com

– 날짜 : 23.01.30~23.02.03

– 수강한 강의 : 91차~95차

– 키워드 →  활동/동작에 대해 자세히 말하기, 칭찬하기, 능력의 정도에 대해 구체적으로 묻고 답하기, 하고 싶은 일에 대해 말하기, 하고 싶은 일에 대해서 묻고 답하기

– 노트 →

DAY91. 활동/동작에 대해 자세히 말하기

* 형용사 ly 붙여서 부사 만들기 (동사,형용사,다른부사 꾸미는 것, 보통 동사 뒤에 옴)

ex) cheap -> cheaply / good -> well / fast -> fast  / early -> early

She plays the violin beautifully.

Peter walks quickly(fast도 가능)

She plays the viloin well.

She speaks carefully.

She can speak English quickly.

Michael plyas the guitar quietly.

Ben talks quickly.

Tony can speak German wonderfully.

Sarah sings loudly.

I can work wonderfully.

I can speak English quietly.

I swim beautifully.

I can talk easily with anyon in English.

DAY92. 칭찬하기

* be동사 + good at / be동사 + bad at (뒤에 ing형태가 옴)

He can cook well. He is good at cooking.

She can play chess well. She is good at playing chess.

She can skate well. She is good at skating.

She can’t skate well. She is bad at skating.

My brother loves cooking, but bad at cleaning. His house is always dirty.

My sister loves music. She is good at playing the piano, but she is bad at singing.

She sings loudly. She is bad at singing.

I’m good at playing soccer, but I’m bad at playing tennis.

DAY93.능력의 정도에 대해 구체적으로 묻고 답하기

* very/really 정말,아주 / quite 꽤, 상당히

They can play tennis very well. > They’re really goot at playing tennis.

He can rap very well. He can rap quite well > He’s really good at rapping. He’s quite good at rapping.

* 질문 시 good at 위치가 바뀜.

Are you good at dancing? > How good are you at dancing?

Can Amy play the viloin? Yes, she can. She’s relly good at playing the violin.

Do you play any musical instruments? No, I don’t. But I’m quite good at singing.

How good are you at playing golf? I’m quite good.

How good are you at swimming?

How good are you at riding bike?

DAY94.하고 싶은 일에 대해 말하기

* want to(편하게 하고 싶은 걸 얘기할 때)  = would like to (예의바르고 공손한 뉘앙스)

I want to go to Paris.

I want to drive a sports car.

I would like to work in China.

I’d like to act in a movie.

We want to go home.

She wants to play thee guitar.

I would like to eat. (주문할 때 많이 사용)

He would like to eat.

He’d like to listen to music.

Debora would like to buy(=wants to buy) the red dress.

They’d like to close the store and go out to eat.

I want to go skiing this weekend.

I want to play(=would like to) the guitar in your band.

I want to go to an amusement park.

I would like to drink some coffee.(some orange juice)

I want to cook well.

I want to sing loudly.

I want to run fast.

I want to swim wonderfully.

Stella wants to go to the mountains, but Tom wants to go to the beach.

DAY95.하고 싶은 일에 대해서 묻고 답하기

*일반동사라서 do를 붙여서 의문문 만들기 / would you like to + 동사원형

Would you like to go to a restaurant with me? Yes, I would. 

Do you want to play chess tonight? Yes, I do.

I would like to go to Japan. Would you like to go to Japan?

Would you like to watch a movie? Yes, I would.

Do you want to play board games this evening? 

Would you like to eat out tonight?

I would like to go to the movies.

Would you like to have chicken?

– 요약 →  부사를 사용하여 무엇을 할 수 있는지, 얼마나 할 수 있는지에 대해서 묻고 답할 수 있다. would like to , want to를 사용하여 하고싶은 것을 묻고 답할 수 있다.  

– 응용 문장 : 

He wants to go to the Paris, but I want to go to the Switzerland.

Would you like to eat out at a restaurant? Yes, I would.

I’d like to drive your Porsche.

How good are you at dancing? I’m quite good at dancing. 

How bad are you at snowboarding? I’m really bad at snowboarding.

I’m quite good at posting the blog fast.

– 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과 : Day93 > 8.3 

– 느낀 점 →  하고싶은 게 많아서 쓰고 싶은 영작도 많았던 한 주였다. 내가 진짜 무엇을 하고 싶은지에 대해서 생각도 해볼 수 있는 기회였기도 하다. 더불어 내가 뭘 잘하는지도 생각해 볼 수 있는 계기였다. 그것을 영작으로 해서 말할 수 있다는 게 좀 신기했다. 문장이 점점 길게 만들어지니까 그게 신기한 것 같다. 

외국으로 여행갔을 때 정말 필요한 would like to를 넣어서 주문하는 문장을 만들수도 있었고, 공손하게 권유하는 질문도 할 수 있었다. 내가 잘하는 것을 얼만큼 잘하는 지 부사를 넣어서 구체적으로 묻고 대답할 수 있었고 하고 싶은 일에 대해 생각보다 간단하게 말할 수 있어 매우 유익했다. 영작할 때 역대급으로 머리 쓴 날.

전체 0

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