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영어 환급원정대 5단계 2주차

2023-03-05 14:56

– 제목 : 영어 환급원정대 5단계 2주차

– 작성자 : maxaga1@naver.com

– 날짜 : 23.02.27~22.03.04

– 수강한 강의 : 111차~115차

– 키워드 →

내가 좋아하는 날씨/계절 비교해서 말하기

내가 더 좋아하는 것 비교해서 말하기

내가 덜 좋아하는 것 비교해서 말하기

내 주변의 모든 것 비교해서 말하기

내가 더 좋아하는 이유 말하기

– 노트 :

Day 111

* 비교급 형용사-er than / more 형용사 than

How’s the weather today?

It’s cold. But it’s warmer than yesterday.

Which season is more humind, spirng or summer?

Summer is more humid than spring.

It’s sonwing outside, and it’s freezing cold. I thingk this winter is colder than last winter.

I totally agree. It’s more freezing this year. I don’t like winter.

I like winter. I don’t like summer because it’s too hot and humind.

My favorite season is fall. It’s so nice and cool.

My favorite season is spring. It’s warm and sunny.

We’re so different. I don’t think we can go on vacations together.

Day 112

Which do you like more, coffee or tea?

I like coffee more than tea.

Which dress do you prefer, this one or that one?

I prefer this one.

I have a very important meeting today, and I want to wear a nice tie. Which do you prefer, the blue one or the green one?

I prefer the blue noe. But the green one is nice too.

You’re not helping me at all.

Sorry. But they’re both very nice.

Day 113

* more than / better than / less than / worse than

I love wine. What about you? Do you like wine?

I like wine, but I like it less than beer.

I don’t like summer because there are so many mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are bad, but flies are worse than mosquitoes.

* less / little의 비교급으로 더 적은 / 덜한 의미로 사용

I like apples more than bananas.

She likse dolphins less than whales.

*better는 good의 비교급 / worse는 bad의 비교급

Spring is better than winter.

Sharks are worse than crocodiles.

My boyfriend, Henry, wants to go to the Safari. He likes wild animals.

The safari sounds dangerous. I prefer the zoo to the safari.

There are many animals at the zoo, too. There are bears and elepants, and they also have a dolphin show.

I think Henry likes watching lions in the wild more than dolphins swmming in circles.

What about you? Do you prefer the lions to the dolphins too?

Not really. I love watching dolphins fly up in the air. But my boyfriend likes shows less than adventures.

Day 114

* more과 than 사이에 형용사 넣어주기.

* be 동사 + as 형용사 as B, B 만큼 ~하다

Whis language is more difficult, English or French?

For me, French is more difficult than English.

I love that house. Isn’t it beautiful?

Yes, it is. But your house is as beautiful as that house.

John has a new car, and it’s really expensive.

How much is it?

I don’t know the exact price. But I know it’s more expensive than mine.

But you car is more covenient than Jhon’s. It’s bigger than his.

I know. I guess my old car is as good as John’s new one.

That’s right. Always think positively.

Day 115

* more 형용사 than

Which is more interesting, history or geography?

History is more interesting than geography. It’s my favorite subject in school.

I love knitting. What about you?

I don’t like knitting. I like gardening. Its’s more satisfying than knitting.

The movie is boring, so they’re bored.

I’m working on a new project, and I’m so worried.


Because my team members are not interested. They think it’s boring.

That’s too bad. Do you think it’s boring, too?

No, I don’t thking so. I think this project is better than the last one.

– 요약 : 좋아하는 날씨를 묻고 답할 수 있고, more than, less than, better than, worse than을 사용하여 좋아하고 덜 좋아하는 것을 묻고 답하며 좋아하는 이유와 비교하기를 말할 수 있다.

– 응용 문장 :

How’s the weather today?

It’s rainy. Today is more windy than yesterday.

Which do you like music, hip hop or pop?

I like hip-hop less than pop.

I love painting. What about you?

I don’t like painting. but I love watching painting. It’s more interesting than painting.

– 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과 : DAY111 > 11.2 , DAY115 > 12.7

– 느낀 점 : 날씨에 대해서 설명할 수 있었고 오늘과 어제의 날씨와 상태를 비교하는 등 스몰톡 할 때 좋은 인사법에 대해 배울 수 있었다. 그리고 more than, less than / better than, worse than을 정말 많이 사용하는 문장이 나왔는데 4가지가 한꺼번에 나와서 그런지 헷갈렸지만 곧 익숙해지겠지..이전 단계도 문장이 길어지고 외울게 많아서 어렵다고 했는데 이번 강의 역시 어렵다. 특히 내가 좋아하는 것과 덜 좋아하는 것에 대해 생각해보고 그것을 토대로 작문하는 시간을 가져보았는데, 생각만 하는 것 보다 문장을 만들어서 공부했을 때 확실히 더 기억에 잘 남는다. 다음 미션도 대화이팅 하셔라.

전체 0

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