주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

나만의 미니학습지 학습 아카이브
미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어환급원정대 미션3(6주차)

2023-04-01 22:56

  1.  작성자  :강선희
  2.  공부한 날짜  :23.3.27~3.31
  3.  수강한 강의 :day 26~30
  4.  키워드  :26.활동 빈도수에 대해말하기
  5.    27.실전연습하기
  6.    28.~가 아니라고 말하기
  7.   29.줄여서 말하기(1)
  8.   30.~하지 않는다고 말하기

  9.  노트  : < day 26 >
  10.   – Elena reads a book three times a week
  11.  – Sophia watches a movie once a week
  12.  – Andy plays soccer twice a week
  13.  * 일상 적인 활동 *
  14.  – read a book / read a newspaper / go to the gym / go swimming / play soccer / play tennis / play computer games / watch a movie / watch TV
  15.   * 빈도와 주기 *
  16.   – once / twice / three times / four times / seven times / once a week / twice a week / three times a week / four times a week / every day
  17.  – ( 숫자 + times )
   < day 27 > 
  < 시간 말하기 / 하루 일과 말하기 / 일 주일 일정 말하기 >

  * – I wake up at 6 o’clock . I take a shower at 7 am . I get dressed at 7:30. I eat breakfast at 8 o’clock. I go to work at 8 :15. I eat lunch at 12 o’clock every day. I leave work at 6pm three times a week. I leave work at 8pm twice a week. I eat dinner once a week with my family. I play soccer on weekends. I go to bed at 10: 30 from sunday to Thursday. I go to bed at I am on Fn days and Saturdays.

  * – What time is it ?
   – It’s 10 am.
  – I go to work at 10 am on Mondays.
  – I go to work at 9 am. Monday to Fnday
 – My sister goes to work at 9 am on Saturdays. She is an actress and she works on weekends.
 – I get up at 10 am on weekends. I play soccer in the morning.
 – I play tennis twice a week. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
 – I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
 – My sister goes to the gym every day.

  * – My husband reads a newspaper every morning.
 – M y husband watches TV every morning.
 – My husband eats breakfast at 7 am.
 – My husband takes a shower every day.
 – My husband takes a shower once a week.
 – My hus band leaves work at 5:30pm
 – My husband goes to work at 1pm.
 – My husband cooks twice a week.
 – My husband eats dinner at midnight
 – My husband goes swimming three times a week
 – My husband plays computer gomes every day.

  < day 28 >
  – I am not a teacher.
 – It is not 8 o’clock.
 – This is not my pen.
 – His name is not James
 – We are not brothers.
 – These are not our toys.
 – They are not office workers.

 < day 29 >
 – You are not an actor.
 – You’re not American.
 – You aren’t a nurse 
 * be 동사 부정문의 축약형 *
 – I’m / You’re / He’s · She’s / It’s / we’re · They’re 
 → I am not / you aren’t / He-she isn’t / It isn’t / We. They aren’t

 – I’m a student. My sister isn’t a student. she’s an artist
 – This is my dog. That isn’t my dog. That’s Jim and Jill’s dog
 – They’re her brothers and sisters.
 I’m not their cousin
 – We aren’t Americans. We’re Mexicans.

  < day 30 >
 – I play tennis.
– I do not play soccer
 – He plays soccer
 – He does not play tennis.
 * 일반 동사의 부정문 *
 – I/ You / We / They → do not
 – He / she / It → does not
 * 3인칭 단수 부정문 *
 – 긍정문 : He / She / It → plays
 – 부정문 : He / she / It → does not play
  1.  요약  :* – Elena reads a book three times       
  2.   a week
  3.  – Sophia watches a movie once a week.
  4.  – Andy plays soccer twice a week.
  6.   * – I wake up at 6 o’clock.
  7.   – I go to work at 8 :15 from Monday to Friday.
  8.  – I leave work at 8pm twice a week
  9.  – I go to the gym twice a week.
  10.  – I go to work at 10 am on Mondays.
  11.  – My sister goes to the gym every day.
  12.  – My husband reads a newspaper every morning.
  13.  – My husband eats brankfast at Ilam.
  14.  – My husband goes to work at 1pm.
  15.  – My husband goes swimming three times a week
  * – I am not a teacher.
  – It is not 8 O’clock

  *- You are not an actor
  – You’re not American.
  – You aren’t a nurse .
  * – I play tennis
  – I do not play soccer.
  – He plays soccer.
 – He does not play tennis.

  1.  응용 문장  :- I study English seven times a week from Monday to sunday
  2.  – I do not play golf
  3.  – she does not like meat
  4.  – They are not Italians , they are Germans
  5.  – She is not my sister.
  7.  퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  :19/1 12/0
  8.  느낀점  :이제 미션3에 접어들었다.점점 외워야할게 많아졌다.미션 1.2에 비해서 헷깔리는 부분도 생기고 외워야할 문장도 더길어진거같다.미션2가 끝날무렵 실전연습하기는 상당히 많은 도움이된다.실전연습을 참고하여 나의 상황에 빗대어 다양하게 응용문장도 직접 만들어보니 더 기억에 오래 남는거같다.활동 빈수도를 말로 하려니 자꾸 헷깔려서 수십번 말로해보니 이제야 바로 나오는거같다.~가아니라고 말할때 be동사가 쓰인 문장에서는 not을 be동사 바로뒤에 놓으면 부정문이 되고 일반동사가 들어갔을때 do라는 동사뒤에 not을 쓰는걸 확실히 알게됐다! 주어가 3인칭 단수인 경우에는 do대신 does를 쓰는걸 잊지않아야겠다. 줄여서 말하는 연습도 막상해보니 쉽게 나오지 않았다.이번주도 연습또 연습~ 헷깔리는 부분이 많았던 한주라 복습을 더 많이 해야겠다.
  9.  단계 완료 후기 링크  :
전체 0

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