주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

나만의 미니학습지 학습 아카이브
미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어 환급원정대 26주차

2022-11-20 16:29

1. 작성자: 김듄

2. 날짜: 22.11.14 ~ 22.11.18

3. 수강한 강의: 5단계 126일차 ~ 5단계 130일차

4. 키워드

[DAY126] 예전에 한 일에 대해서 말하기
[DAY127] 예전에 한 일에 대해서 묻고 답하기
[DAY128] 예전에 행동의 시점에 대해서 자세히 말하기
[DAY129] 예전 능력에 대해서 말하기
[DAY130] 실전연습하기

5. 노트


일반동사 과거형 (규칙)
 기본 (동사 + ed)
  work → worked
 ‘e’로 끝나는 동사 (동사 + d)
  dance → danced / love → loved / arrive → arrived
 ‘자음+y’로 끝나는 동사 (동사 + y 삭제 후 ied)
  study → studied
  * 예외 : ‘모음+y’로 끝나는 동사는 원칙대로 +ed
    enjoy → enjoyed
 ‘단모음+단자음’으로 끝나는 동사 (동사 + 자음 추가 후 ed)
   plan → planned
   * 예외 : 자음추가 없이 +ed
     enter → entered
 * 일반동사 과겨형은 기본적으로 +ed의 규칙이 있지만, 예외의 경우가 많아서 동사가 나올 때마다 기억하는 것이 중요
 * 현재형과 다르게 주어마다 수일치를 시켜주지 않아도 됨

예시 문장 (More Examples)
 A: I played tennis with my friend, Fred. What about you?
 B: I stayed home all day. I cleaned the house and washed my car. I feel so tired today.
 A: I also washed my car. After that, I visited my parents’ house late in the evening.
 B: Wow! Your Sunday was busier than mine.
 A: I guess you’re right about that.


일반동사 과겨형의 부정문과 의문문
 (do 과거 = ) did 활용
 부정문 (did not)
  He worked yesterday. → He did not work yesterday. → (축약) He didn’t work yesterday.
 의문문 (did를 맨 앞으로)
  She work yesterday. → Did she work yesterday?
 * 마찬가지로 주어와 상관없이 모두 did를 씀 (과거형은 수일치 없음)

일반동사 과거형 (불규칙)
 현재 → 과거
 go → went / have → had / say → said / catch → caught / buy → bought / eat → ate / do → did / pay → paid
 teach → taught / think → thought / drink → drank / come → came / sell → sold / get → got / send → sent
 take → took / give → gave / run → ran / tell → told / speak → spoke / leave → left / stand → stood
 (형태가 동일한 동사)
  shut / cut / hurt / read
  * read는 형태는 동일하지만, 발음은 다름 → 현재 read [ri:d] / 과거 read [red]


과거 시점을 나타내는 다양한 표현들
 when she was a student
 when I visited Japan
 5 days ago
 in 1996
 last Saturday.
 this morning


조동사 can의 과거형 = could
 부정형 (could not)
  I can sing. → I could not sing. → (축약) I couldn’t sing.
 의문문 (could를 맨 앞으로)
  He could sing. → Could he sing?

예시 문장 (Grammar Points 2): can과 could를 함께 사용해서 능력비교
 I couldn’t dance when I was younger, but I can dance now
 He could play the piano two years ago, but he can’t play it now.
 I can sing now, but I couldn’t sing when I was younger.
 She can’t cook Italian food now, but she could cook when she was in Italy.  


Mission 15 Complete : Talk about the past
Review skills
When I was a young man, I was a very different man. I was full of confidence and pride. I could do anything, go anywhere, and meet anyone. I was a popular and handsome athlete. I had a lot of friends and I was good at playing many sports. I went rock climbing, swimming and skiing. I travelled to many countries around the world, met many interesting people, and did a lot of interesting activities. I loved and enjoyed a carefree life until 2006.
In the summer of 2006, I met my beautiful wife, Anna. We met each other in a restaurant in Frankfurt, Germany. I was on vacation and she was working as a waitress in that restaurant. I couldn’t speak German fluently at the time, and I couldn’t order food. Luckily, Anna was fluent in English because her mother was American. With her help, I could order delicious food and I had a great lunch. I asked her phone number after lunch, and I asked her out on a date the same day. That was the best day of my life.
Anna and I got married in 2007, and we have children now. I am not a popular athlete anymore. I can’t travel around the world these days and I can’t meet many people because I am a father of three children.

6. 요약

일반동사의 과거는 기본적으로 +ed를 붙여서 만드나, 예외가 많으므로 나올 때 마다 기억해야함
과거 시점을 나타내는 표현들: 5 days ago / in 1996 / last Saturday / this morning
can의 과거 → could

7. 응용문장

A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I went to the amusement park yesterday.
A: Who did you go with?
B: I went with my friends.
A: Can you ride a rollercoaster?
B: I can’t ride the rollercoaster now, but I could ride it when I was younger.

8. 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과

DAY129: 14/15 (93%)

9. 느낀점

지금까지는 현재시제만 배우다가 5단계 후반부에 드디어 과거 시제를 본격적으로 학습하고 있다. 이번주에는 내가 영어를 포기하게 된 이유 중 하나인 불규칙 동사를 학습했다. 분명 앞으로 더 외울거지만 이번 학습에서 가볍게 봤는데도 정말 하기 싫다. 이것 때문에 의욕이 확 떨어졌다. 불규칙 동사는 이해 없이 그냥 무작정 다 암기여서 정말 재미없다.. 무작정 외우기만 하는 공부는 정말 재미없다
오늘 5단계를 딱 알맞게 끝냈다. 반 넘게 달려왔는데 요즘들어 영어에 재미가 떨어져서 큰일이다. 크게 어려운 내용을 하거나 어려운 단어들을 엄청 많이 외워야하는게 아닌데도 갑자기 재미없어졌다.. 의욕이 확 떨어짐 .. 내일부터는 또 새로운 단계를 시작하니까 다시 화이팅해보자! 9단계 끝나고 환급미션 성공하기까지 얼마 남지 않았다! 열심히 해보자 화이팅

10. 단계완료후기

전체 0

전체 50,101
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영어학습지 6단계 완료 후기
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