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영어 환급원정대 미션22, 23 38주차

2023-12-03 07:32

 작성자  : 맑은날
 공부한 날짜  : 23. 11. 27~ 23. 12. 1
 수강한 강의  : DAY 186~ DAY 190
 키워드  : 집안일 표현하기, 과거/현재/미래 시제 구분하기, help, 분리할 수 있는 구동사, 강조부사
 노트 DAY 186 직장 생활에 대해서 말하기

*I work as a teacher in kindergarten. My business hours are usually from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kindergarten teachers often prepare for events. so

I work overtime almost all the time. We plan and execute fun activities for our children. Our work is hard, but It’s a proud thing.

DAY 187 집안일에 대해 말하기

* 시제별로 말하기

현재 Susan walks the dogs every morning.

과거 I made the bed this morning.

현재진행 She’s folding the towers now.

현재완료 I’ve already loaded the dishwasher.

미래 She’ll sweep the floor in a minute.

-> 집안일 관련 표현 앞에는 the가 붙는 경우가 많음.

* 가정용품 단어

Plastic bag 비닐봉지

Lawn mower 잔디 깎는 기계

Trash can 쓰레기통

Chest of drawers 서랍장

Beside table 침대 옆 탁자

Basin 세면대 **

* Did you water the plants yesterday?

Oh, I totally forgot. I will do it this afternoon.

DAY 188 평소 일정과 특정한 날의 일정 구분해서 말하기

* 시제 구분하기

평소 일정(현재) VS 예외일정(과거/현재진행/미래)

– I normally mow the lawn on sundays, But I watered the plants last sunday.

– I usually go to the gym after work, But today i’m having coffee with my friend.

* help+대상+with 명사

He helped me with my work.

She helped us with our project.

They helped me with cooking.

* help+대상+동사원형

He helped me find my key.

She helped him clean the room.

We helped her finish the project.

–> help뒤에는 동사원형/to부정사 머두 가능

* I usually have dinner with my family on Saturdays. But tonight i’m eating out with some of my colleagues.

DAY 189 동네에서 일어나는 일에 대해 이야기하기

* 분리할 수 있는 구동사

turn down 거절하다 

He turned down the offer.

He turned the offer down.

Cut down 삭감하다

 The company is cutting down the budget. 

 The company is cutting the budget down.

Show off 과시하다

They showed off their talents.

They showed their talents off.

Pick up 전화를 받다

She isn’t picking up the phone.

She isn’t picking the phone up.

Take up 시작하다

She took it up.

Give out 나누어 주다

They gave them out.

Figure out 알아내다

He figured it out.

Lent out 세를 놓다

She’s lending it out.

-> 위 표현들은 전치사 부사와 분리되어 그 사이에 목적어가 들어갈 수 있음!!

* Did they tear down the building on the main street? 

They tore down the entire building two days ago.

DAY 190 동네 풍경 비교해서 이야기하기

* 강조해서 비교하기(강조부사)

a lot 많이/much 훨씬/far 엄청

a bit 조금/ slightly 약간

The church is a lot bigger than the library.

The church is a bit more cloudy than the library.

* There’s a tall tree in my backyard.

I know. It’s a lot taller than the tree in my backyard.

* the 비교급: ~할수록~하다

The faster you run, the better you feel. 빨리 달릴수록 기분이 좋아.

The more you practice, the better result you will get. 연습을 하면 할수록 더 좋은 결과가 나올 거야.

 요약  : I’ll mow the lawn after breakfast. She is watering the plants now.I go swimming every afternoon, But today i’m playing tennis with the Jenny.He immediately turned down the offer because he didn’t want to leave his current job.

You had better stop smoking.

I think it’s slightly smaller than the maple tree in the park.
 응용 문장  : We have to use less plastic bags for the environment.I make the bed after I get up. But I couldn’t do it this morning because I was late for work.He is always eager to show off his son’s talents.The harder you play, the better score you will get.

 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 13.1

 느낀점 이번 차수에서는 강조부사, 비교급, 구동사 등을 활용하여 우리 동네에 대해 구체적으로 표현할 수 있는 방법을 배웠다. turn down, show off, take up, figure out과 같은 구동사는 전치사/부사와 분리되어 그 사이에 목적어가 들어갈 수 있어 2가지 형태의 문장으로 다 사용할 수가 있었다. 그러다보니 자동사와 타동사가 헷갈리기 시작 ㅎㅎ 

자동사는 동사가 의미하는 움직임이나 작용이 ‘주어에만’ 미치는 동사–>자동사는 목적어를 필요X.

타동사는 동사가 의미하는 움직임, 동작, 작용 등이 목적어를 필요로 하는 동사.

자동사와 타동사는 문장에서 동사 뒤에 오는 목적어의 유무를 확인하여 구별할 수 있음을 기억하자 🙂

 단계 완료 후기 링크  :  .

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