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영어환급원정대 미션17(29주차)

2023-09-10 10:06

  1.  작성자  :강선희
  2.  공부한 날짜  :2023.9.4~9.8
  3.  수강한 강의  :day141~145
  4.  키워드  :141.일의 완료시점 말하기
  5.    142.지금하고있는일과 예정되어 있는일 구별해서 말하기
  6.    143.목적이 무엇인지 말하기
  7.    144.근거 가지고 예측해서 말하기
  8.    145.시간이 예정되어 있는 미래일정에
  9. 대해 말하기
  10.  노트  :< day 141 >
  11.   * – When are you going to finish the project?
  12.  – I’m going to finish the project by the end of June.
  13.  – when are you going to paint your house?
  14.  – I’m going to paint my house by this time next month.
 *시점표현하는 전치사들
 – at :~에(특정시간)
 – on:~에(특정요일/날짜)
 – in:~에(특정년도/계절/월)
 – by:~까지

 * – by +시점:~까지
 → by the weekend / by Thursday / by tomorrow / by the day after tomorrow / by two weeks from now / by early next week / by the end of March / by then time next year / by the end of this month / by late summer

      < day 142 >
  * – what is Janet doing later?
  – Junet is studying at the moment, but She’s playing golf later.
 – What are you doing ?
 – I’m watching a movie now, but I’m meeting a friend at 7pm.
 * be going to 와 be + 동사 ing 비교
 → I’m going to get married :
    결혼하겠다는 의도/계획을 강조
 → I’m going to meet him:
    만날것이라는 의도/계획을 강조
 → I’m getting married in May:
    결혼일정이 예정되어 있음을 강조
 → Iam meeting him this afternoon:
    만남이 예정되어 있음을 강조

      < day 143 >
  * – Where are they going this summer?
  – They’re going to Italy to see their relatives.
 – Why is Fred working so hard ?
 – He’s working hard to pay for his tuition
 *목적/의도 표현하기 위한 to부정사
 → to become a famous cellist
 → in order to make money
 → So as to go to the airport.

      < day 144 >
  * – Did Jonny take his umbrella this morning?
 – No, he didn’t take his Umbrella. He’s going to get wet
 – Look at those are cars. They’re driving too fast.
 – They’re going to crash.

 * be + going + to +동사원형:사실에 근거한 예측
 → they’re going to be late for their flight
 → she’s going to drop them
 → He’s not going to pass the exam.
 → He’s going to fall

       < day 145 >
  * – What time does Your train leave ?
  – My train leaves at nine tonight
 – What time does your class start tomorrow?
 – It Starts at ten tomorrow.

 *현재형으로 미래 표현하기
  – 정해져있는 사실인경우
   → My flight leaves at nine tonight
 → The meeting starts at seven tomorrow morning.
 → The spring term begins on March 2.
 *시간관련 접속사가 사용된경우
 → she’s going to do her homework after she finishes dinner.
 → He’s going to call you before you get home.
 → They’re going to play soccer When it gets wormer.
  1.  요약  : – *When are you going to finish the project?
  2.  – I’m going to finish the project by the end of June.
  3.  – when are you going to paint your house?
  4.  – I’m going to paint my house by this time next month.
* – what is Janet doing later?
  – Junet is studying at the moment, but She’s playing golf later.
 – What are you doing ?
 – I’m watching a movie now, but I’m meeting a friend at 7pm.

* – Where are they going this summer?
  – They’re going to Italy to see their relatives.
 – Why is Fred working so hard ?
 – He’s working hard to pay for his tuition

 * – Did Jonny take his umbrella this morning?
 – No, he didn’t take his Umbrella. He’s going to get wet
 – Look at those are cars. They’re driving too fast.
 – They’re going to crash.

* – What time does Your train leave ?
  – My train leaves at nine tonight
 – What time does your class start tomorrow?
 – It Starts at ten tomorrow.

  1.  응용 문장  :*_ I’m going to the movies at 7 Pm
  2.  * I’m Studying English now, but I’m cooking dinner tonight.
  3.  * I go to the gym to be healthy
  4.  * I study English hard to go to the USA.
  5.  퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 20/0 16/4 9/1
  6.  느낀점  :미션17에 접어들었다.미션을 완수할 수록 뿌듯함은 커져갔는데 좀 더 어려워
  7. 지고 있는걸 느끼기에 집중을 더 많이 해야했다. 일의 완료 시점을 사용할때 쓰는 전치사들에는 at_ on_ in _by가 있다. 계절에 대해 이야기할때는 영국식 영어에서는 the를 안쓰고 미국식 영어 에서는 the를 사용한다.계절뒤에 of를 사용하여 한정시키는 경우에는 the를 사용한다. 형용사가 앞에 올경우나 한개
  8. 의 특정 계절 동안을 꼭 집어서 말할 때
  9. 는 일반적으로 a를 사용한다. It is/was뒤에는 일반적으로 a/the를 사용하
  10. 지 않는다. 목적/의도를 표현하기 위해 to부정사(~하기 위해서 ~하려고)가 사
  11. 용된다. to/in order to/so as to 모두 동일한 의미를 가지고 사용할 수 있다. 사실에 근거한 예측을 말할 때be+going to를 사용한다. 이번주에도 밀리지않고 열심히 공부해서 뿌듯하다. 이렇게 정리
  12. 하니 기억에 더 남을것같다.
  14.  단계 완료 후기 링크  :
전체 0

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