주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

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영어 환급원정대 미션13 23주차

2023-08-20 16:51

  •  작성자  : 맑은날
  •  공부한 날짜  : 23. 08. 14 ~ 23. 08. 18
  •  수강한 강의  : DAY 111 ~ DAY 115
  •  키워드  : 날씨형용사, 감각동사 이용하여 내가 좋아하는 날씨/계절 말하기, 내가 더 좋아하고/덜 좋아하는 것 비교해서 말하기, 더 좋아하는 이유에 대해 말하기
  •  노트  :
  • DAY 111 내가 좋아하는 날씨/계절 비교해서 말하기
  • * 비교급
  • – 1음절/2음절: 형용사er + than
  • – 2음절: more + 형용사 than
  • Today is colder than yesterday.
  • Spring is warmer than fall.
  • Summer it’s more humid than spring.

* How’s the weather today?

It’s cold. But it’s warmer than yesterday.

I think this winter is cooler than last winter.

I totally agree. It’s more freezing this year.

DAY112 내가 더 좋아하는 것 선택하기

*prefer A to B

 like A more than B: A가 B보다 더 좋다

I prefer dancing to singing.

She prefer coffee to tea.

I like bananas more than apples.

He likes playing more than studying.

* Which 의문문: 옵션이 여러개 일 때!!

Which do you prefer apples or oranges?

I prefer apples to oranges.

I prefer apples.

Which do you prefer dancing or singing?

I prefer singing to dancing.

Which animal do you like more, cats or dogs?

I like dogs more than cats.

I like dogs more.

Which book do you like more, this one or that one?

I like this one more.

DAY 113 내가 덜 좋아하는 것 비교해서 말하기

* more than/ less than

I like apples more than bananas.

더 좋아하다.

She likes dolphins less than whales.

덜 좋아하다.

* better than/ worse than 

Spring is a better than winter. 더 낫다

Sharks are worse than crocodiles. 더 나쁘다.

* I love wine. What about you? Do you like wine? 

I like wine. but I like to it less than beer.

DAY 114 내 주변의 모든 것 비교해서 말하기

* more +형용사 than

Your painting is more creative than mine.

Jenny is more popular than my sister.

* be동사+ as 형용사 as B: B만큼 ~하다.

Her painting is as creative as yours.

This book is as interesting as that one.

These apples are as delicious as those oranges.

* convenient 편리한

positive 긍정적인

careful 주의 깊은

patient 인내심 있는

attractive 매력적인

DAY 115 내가 더 좋아하는 이유 말하기

* satisfying 만족스러운

disappointing 실망스러운

confusing 혼란스러운

terrifying 겁나게 하는

embarrassing 난처한

frightening 무서운

upsetting 짜증나게 하는

*  -ed/-ing로 끝나는 형용사 구별해서 사용하기!!!

-ed: 주어가 느끼는 감정상태

-ing: 그 감정상태를 유발한 대상

The movie is boring, so they are bored.

Our teacher is disappointed because the test results are disappointing.

The problem is confusing, so the students are confused.

  •  요약  : Which season is more humid, spring or summer? Summer is more humid than spring.
  • Which dress do you prefer, this one or that one? I prefer this one.

Which language is more difficult English or French? For me, French is more difficult than English.

Which is more interesting, history or geography? History is More interesting than geography.

  •  응용 문장  : Which season is cooler, spring or autumn in korea? Autumn is cooler than spring.
  • Which do you prefer, climbing or swimming? I prefer climbing.
  • Your painting is more creative than mine. Your painting is as creative as mine.
  • I am confused because my problem is confusing.
  •  퀴즈렛 테스트 결과  : 18/20
  •  느낀점  : 이번 주차에는 prefer, more than, less than, worse than과 같은 비교급을 사용해서 더 좋아하는 것과 덜 좋아하는 것을 비교해서 말하는 문장을 배워보았다. 나 역시 택이학생처럼 prefer라는 단어의 발음이 너무나 어려웠는데,  p와 f가 연달아 나오면서 입술은 매우 바쁘게 움직이는데 원하는 발음이 나오기까지 정말 연습이 많이 필요했다. 원어민 발음을 많이 듣고 소리내는 연습이 정말 중요!! 그리고  감정상태 형용사를 사용할 때에 exciting/excited를 잘 구별해야 함을 다시 알게 되었다.  I’m so excited. I have an interesting idea. I’m a little confused. -ed는 주어가 느끼는 감정상태!이고, -ing는 그 감정상태를 유발한 대상에 관한 이야기할 때 사용한다는 것!! 꼭 기억하기!
  •  단계 완료 후기 링크  : .
전체 0

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