주차/단계별 학습방법 공유

나만의 미니학습지 학습 아카이브
미니학습지의 후배들에게 기록을 남기는 공간

영어 환급원정대 43주차

2023-03-19 02:49

1. 작성자: 김듄

2. 공부한 날짜: 2023.3.13 ~ 2023.3.17

3. 수강한 강의: 9단계 DAY211일 ~ 9단계 DAY215

4-6. 키워드/노트/요약


감정에 대해 말하기


I look forward to ~을 고대하다 / I don’t feel like ~할 마음이 들다 / I don’t mind 신경을 쓰다 / I can’t stand 견디다
→ 뒤에 동명사만 옴

학습에 나온 문장들 노트 정리
  • It’s cold outside. You don’t feel like going out, do you?
  • No, I don’t. Let’s stay home and watch TV.
  • I love traveling around the world. (to travel)
  • I like traveling around the world. (to travel)
  • I look forward to meeting him next week.
  • I don’t feel like dancing tonight.
  • I don’t mind going out on a rainy day.
  • I can’t stand doing yoga every day.
  • You’re all wet. What have you been doing?
  • I’ve been watering the garden.
  • How often do you water the garden?
  • I water it once a week.
  • You don’t mind getting wet, do you?
  • Not at all. As a matter of fact, I love getting wet. It’s fun.
  • Fun? I don’t mind washing the car, but I absolutely hate watering the garden.
  • I don’t like washing the car. I prefer watering the garden.

a wide variety of 매우 다양한 / retail store 소매점 / interest 관심사
/ despite ~에도 불구하고 / bond 결속하다, 유대감을 가지다
/ unify 통합, 통일하다 / soak 물에 담그다 / regardless of ~와 상관없이
/ gender 성별 / race 인종 / religion 종교 / incredible 대단한
/ make an effort 노력하다 / keep up with ~에 뒤지지 않다

love와 like는 뒤에 동명사와 to 부정사 모두 올 수 있으나, 다음 동사는 뒤에 동명사만 쓸 수 있다.
I look forward to / I don’t feel like / I don’t mind  / I can’t stand


계획/소망 말하기

학습에 나온 문장들 노트 정리
  • Have you made up your mind?
  • Yes, I have. I’ve decided to go to Hawaii for my honeymoon.
  • I plan to travel all over the world.
  • I hope to travel all over the world.
  • I want to travel all over the world.
  • I’ve decided to attend the meeting.
  • I promised to attend the meeting.
  • I intend to attend the meeting.
  • Are you going to get married someday?
  • Of course. I’ll get married as soon as I find the right girl.
  • As far as I can remember, you’ve been saying that for a long time.
  • It’s because I haven’t met the right girl yet.
  • I don’t want to get married so soon. We’re only 30 years old. I don’t intend to get married before 40.
  • You want to stay single for another 10 years?
  • What’s wrong with that? It’s going to be another wonderful 10 years.
  • Good luck with that. I don’t want to stay single that long.
  • Suit yourself. No one is stopping you. You can get married at any time you want.
  • I know. But the problem is that I don’t have the right girl.

expectations 기대, 예상 / apply for 지원하다 / master’s degree 석사학위
/ financially 재정적으로 / form 만들다, 형성하다
/ realize one’s dream 꿈을 실현하다

일반적으로 계획/바람을 표현하는 동사 뒤에는 ‘to부정사’가 온다.


상대방의 허락 구하기

상대의 허락을 구하는 표현 → may/can/could 사용

I’m afraid ~
be available

학습에 나온 문장들 노트 정리
  • May I make a suggestion?
  • Of course, Mr. Wilson. We welcome any suggestions.
  • May I offer you a cup of tea, sir?
  • Yes, please.
  • May I ask you a favor?
  • Of course. What can I do for you?
  • Could we postpone our meeting?
  • I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.
  • Could I talk to you in private?
  • Sure. I’ll be available after 2:00.
  • Can I go home now?
  • Yes, you can.
  • Can we leave now?
  • I afraid not.
  • Have you thought about my offer?
  • Yes, but I’m afraid I can’t accept it.
  • I’ll call you when the tickets are available.
  • Is he really going to get fired?
  • I’m afraid so.
  • He’s available this afternoon.
  • Did he quit smoking?
  • I’m afraid not.
  • He’s not available. He’s already married.
  • Good evening, Mr. Williams? May I take your coat and hat?
  • Good evening, Jack. Yes, thank you. Is everyone here?
  • No, sir. Mrs. Harrison hasn’t arrived yet. Would you care for a cup of coffee?
  • I’d prefer tea.
  • I’m sorry, but tea is not available at the moment. May I offer you another option?
  • What options do I have?
  • We have a variety of fresh juice.
  • I’m afraid that won’t do. I want something hot.
  • Let me check with the manager, sir.

make a suggestion 제안하다 / postpone 미루다
/ in private 사적으로, (사람이 없는 곳에서) 따로 / a variety of 다양한
/ that(this) won’t do 그것(이것)으로는 안 된다, 충분하지 않다, 효과가 없다

may와 could는 can보다 더 정중하고 격식 있는 표현이다.
could로 허락을 구하는 질문에 답할 때는 ‘can’을 사용한다. 
→ 예) Could I visit your office at 3pm? Yes, you can / No, you can’t
I’m afraid~는 상대가 원하는 것을 해 줄 수 없을 때 혹은 상대의 의견에 동의하지 않아서 상대가 들으면 슬프거나, 실망하거나, 화가 날 수 있는 말/대답을 할 때 예의상 덧붙이는 표현이다.
be available은 어떤 물건을 구할 수 있거나 시간을 낼 수 있다는 의미, 또는 현재 누군가와 연애를 할 수 있는 독신 상태라는 의미로 다양하게 쓰인다.


상대에게 재차 확인하기

: ~그렇지?/맞지?

학습에 나온 문장들 노트 정리
  • Greg hasn’t left us for good, has he?
  • Of course not. He’ll be back after a few months.
  • You have been to Paris, haven’t you?
  • Tom hasn’t quit smoking, has he?
  • You would like to go to the art fair, wouldn’t you?
  • She shouldn’t listen to his advice, should she?
  • You couldn’t put up with it, could you?
  • Janet has a nice car, doesn’t she?
  • You don’t have an appointment, do you?
  • I have a friend who lives in Madrid.
  • You do?
  • She is a painter and she is coming to our town next week for her art exhibit.
  • That’s awesome!
  • You’ve been to art exhibits before, haven’t you?
  • Yes, I have. I’ve been to art exhibits several times.
  • Would you like to come to her art exhibit next week? You can bring your friends if you want.
  • THat’s wonderful. I have a friend who loves going to art galleries.
  • You’re talking about Ally, aren’t you?
  • Oh, that’s right. I’ve told you about her, haven’t I?
  • Yes, you have. I fact, you’ve talked about her many times.
  • I guess I talk about her a lot because I see her quite often these days.

for good 영원히, 영영

‘have’가 일반동사로 쓰인 경우 ‘do’로, 완료시제이면 ‘have’로 부가의문문을 만든다.


실전 연습하기
Mission 26
Describe things in detail
Review Skills 73-75
Field report from Rachel Miller:

To: Regional Manager Kelvin Thomson

On September 28, our technicians and engineers, including myself, were able to successfully install our latest lab equipment.
‘SPC-3’, at Aon Biomedical Lab (ABL). After the installation, we had a meeting with ABL executives from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Two executives who work at ABL attended the meeting. Brian Parker, the director of ABL, was looking forward to replacing all the outdated lab equipment with our company’s latest equipment.
Product Manager Jane Smith who manages and maintains all the equipment in ABL was also satisfied with the successful installation of our new equipment.
In the afternoon, our equipment support team presented a demonstration of the machine we installed in the morning. Alex Clark, our senior technician has conducted a few test runs himself. The result was successful and all ABL personnel including Brian Parker and Jane Smith seemed impressed.

latest 최근의 / executive 임원 / replace 교체하다 / outdated 낡은, 구식의
/ conduct a test run 시험운영을 하다 / personnel 직원, 관계자
/ maintenance 유지, 보수 / troubleshooting 문제해결 / additionally 추가로, 또한

7. 응용 문장

A: You have taken the English test, haven’t you?
B: Yes, I have been taken the English test last month.
A: Can I get your handwritten notes?
B: I’m afraid not.

8. 퀴즈렛 테스트 결과 – 카드 맞추기

DAY214: 7.6s

9. 느낀점

이번주 학습일지는 이제까지와는 다른 형태로 작성했다. 미니학습지에서 가이드 준 것처럼 코넬노트를 활용하여 작성했다. 코넬노트는 많이 써봤는데, 미니학습지 학습일지에 적용할 생각은 못했던 것 같다. 학습일지를 처음으로 이렇게 작성해보니 아직은 뭔가 내용이 조금 부족한 감이 없지 않아 있지만 그래도 계속 작성해나가면서 잘 쓰도록 노력해봐야겠다. 이번주학습으로 영어미션 26이 끝나고, 이제 마지막 미션만 남아있다. 마지막 미션은 DAY224가 마지막으로 이제 약 2주정도 남았다. 수강종료일이 5월이라 아직 많이 남은 줄 알았는데, 그냥 수강기간은 넉넉하게 주는 것 같다. 벌써 이만큼 왔는데 사실 후반부에서는 초심을 조금 잃고 초반보다 덜 열심히 했던 것 같다. 수강기간을 넉넉하게 준 만큼 끝난 다음에도 부족했던 부분을 복습해야겠다.
전체 0

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